Epidemiological features and risk factors of non-scpecific low back pain in petrochemical enterprise workers

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Aim. To study the prevalence and incidence of new cases, and the role of risk factors such as PARK2 gene polymorphism and mechanical loads in non-specific low back pain development in workers of a large petrochemical enterprise.

Methods. On a cross-sectional study by continuous sampling method (all factory workers - 580 people, the participation rate 87.6%) the prevalence of problems with the musculoskeletal system, including low-back pain was studied. Russian version of the Nordic questionnaire and the analysis of medical records were used. 228 people without any musculoskeletal system problems (the participation rate 82.4%) were selected for the 6-month prospective study. PARK2 gene rs926849 A/G polymorphism has been identified in 177 workers; epithelial cells of the oral cavity served as material for genetic analysis. The severity of the work process was evaluated in all workplaces. Multivariate statistical analysis was conducted by logistic regression method.

Results. The prevalence of low back pain reached 38.7%; the incidence of new cases at 6 months was 13.3%. In case of genotype AA of PARK2 gene rs926849 polymorphism (compared with protective genotypes AG and GG) the low back pain was more common (OR=1.68, p=0.047). Another risk factor was age (OR=1.06, p=0.005). The presence of the «work severity» variable in the model increased the level of statistical significance of the «genotype» variable from p=0.055 to p=0.047, i.e. the association with the risk of low back pain increased.

Conclusion. Hereditary predisposition and age play a significant role in the development of non-specific low back pain among workers; mechanical loads may increase the effect of a genetic predisposition, but do not have an independent etiologic importance.

About the authors

T Kh Amirova

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: zilek_85@mail.ru

R A Gubanov

Medical company «Spasenie»

Email: zilek_85@mail.ru

I I Akhmetov

Medical company «Spasenie»

Email: zilek_85@mail.ru

E S Egorova

Kazan State Medical University

Email: zilek_85@mail.ru

Z F Khismatova

Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism

Email: zilek_85@mail.ru

L M Fatkhutdinova

Kazan State Medical University

Email: zilek_85@mail.ru


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© 2016 Amirova T.K., Gubanov R.A., Akhmetov I.I., Egorova E.S., Khismatova Z.F., Fatkhutdinova L.M.

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