Electron microscopy study of antibacterial effect of selimakcid against salmonella and escherichia

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Aim. To assess Selimakcid effect on the submicroscopic organization of Salmonella and enteropathogenic Escherichia. Methods. Salmonella enteritidis and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolates were used in a study. Their morphological and functional characteristics after Selimakcid exposure were studied using methods of negative staining and ultrathin sections. Selimakcid was taken at 10, 15 and 25 mg/ml concentration in a physiological isotonic sodium chloride solution. Results. Incubation of Salmonella and Escherichia cultures with Selimakcid has no effect on the cells size compared to the control. Ultrastructural picture of Selimakcid post antibiotic effect on the Salmonella enteritidis cells demonstrated the outer membrane vesicles increase and cell wall changes, which can be attributed to the adaptation. In the Escherichia coli culture after incubation in medium containing Selimakcid at 25 mg/ml concentration, the presence of both damaged (with flake-like cytoplasm and plasma membrane ruptures) and lysed (release their content into the environment) cells was observed. Conclusion. The effect of Selimakcid on Salmonella enteritidis cells is characterized by the outer membrane vesicles increase and cell wall changes; in the Escherichia coli culture after Selimakcid exposure the presence of damaged and lysed cells was observed.

About the authors

G Kh Murtazina

Kazan State Medical University

Email: murtaza07@mail.ru

M M Salnikova

Federal Toxicological, Radiation and Biological Safety Center


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© 2016 Murtazina G.K., Salnikova M.M.

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