Dependence of clot contraction (retraction) on the molecular and cellular blood composition

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Aim. To study the effect of the blood components on clot contraction dynamics in vitro.

Methods. The original method based on the optical detection of changes in the blood clot volume over time was used. Whole blood, as well as reconstructed samples using washed platelets, erythrocytes, purified fibrinogen, platelet-poor and platelet-rich plasma were studied.

Results. Blood clot contraction has a non-linear kinetics, reflecting the complexity of the underlying mechanisms. Platelets increase the blood clot contraction, while the red blood cells have an inhibitory effect. Blocking the fibrin and platelets interaction using the RGDS peptide, an integrin αIIbβ3 antagonist, reduces the extent and rate of clot contraction. The exogenous Ca2+ is not required for contraction, but its addition stabilizes clots by inhibiting the erythrocytes. Thrombin has a dose-dependent effect and increases the rate and extent of contraction. In blood samples of patients taking warfarin, blood clot contraction was delayed.

Conclusion. The blood clot contraction is a process which depends on many factors, including the blood cell composition, amount of fibrinogen, the endogenous thrombin activity and platelets interaction with fibrin; understanding the mechanisms of the blood clot contraction could form the basis for the development of novel approaches to the hemostatic disorders treatment.

About the authors

A D Peshkova

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

Author for correspondence.

A P Lozhkin

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University


L S Fathullina

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center


D V Malyasev

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center


R A Bredikhin

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center


R I Litvinov

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University; University of Pennsilvania



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© 2016 Peshkova A.D., Lozhkin A.P., Fathullina L.S., Malyasev D.V., Bredikhin R.A., Litvinov R.I.

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