The role of doppler ultrasound and multislice spiral computed tomography angiography in the common form of stomach cancer diagnosis

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Aim. To evaluate the results of Doppler ultrasound and multislice computed tomography angiography in patients with gastric cancer and the sensitivity of these diagnostic methods for the detection of the abdomen great vessels lesions.

Methods. The study included 32 patients aged 37 to 82 years who had histologically confirmed gastric adenocarcinoma diagnosis. The control group consisted of 30 apparently healthy people of the same age. Transabdominal ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity organs and stomach in gray-scale mode (B-mode before and after the stomach filling with degassed liquid), Doppler ultrasound of the abdomen and the stomach wall vessels, multislice spiral computed tomography angiography were performed in all patients at the preoperative stage. The analysis of the study results and their comparison with intraoperative data were conducted.

Results. In patients with gastric cancer a statistically significant increase in peak systolic velocity in the celiac trunk, superior mesenteric artery, left gastric artery and resistive index decrease in these blood vessels (p <0.05) with the presence of atypical vascularization in the affected stomach walls were registered. The data obtained during the multislice spiral computed tomography angiography were analyzed. The sensitivity of Doppler ultrasound in the preoperative detection of abdominal cavity great vessels affection in patients with gastric cancer was 77.8%, multislice spiral computed tomography angiography - 88.9%, the combination of these two methods - 96.3%.

Conclusion. The analysis of used diagnostic methods of examination of patients with stomach cancer showed that Doppler ultrasound should be included in the patients examination standard to assess the abdominal cavity great vessels condition, what is important in deciding on the possibility of operative intervention; the sensitivity of the combination of dopplerography and multislice spiral computed tomography angiography in the diagnosis of great vessels affection is 96.3%.

About the authors

I Z Pulatova

Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education

Author for correspondence.

M A Isamukhamedova

Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education



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© 2016 Pulatova I.Z., Isamukhamedova M.A.

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