The modern non-injecting mesotherapy use in treatment of patients with inflammatory periodontium lesions

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Aim. To perform clinical reasoning and evaluation of non-injection mesotherapy use in complex treatment stages in patients with periodontitis.

Methods. The current study included treatment results of 46 patients with generalized periodontitis who received out-patient treatment at a clinical site of the therapeutic dentistry department of Azerbaijan Medical University. The mean age of patients was 25±3.1 years (from 17 to 49 years).

Results. The use of «TEAQRIP» applications on treatment stages in addition to conventional measures, as well as mesotherapy sessions (2 times a week) contributed to the sooner and stable clinical effect by the end of 2-week treatment course. Procedures («TEAQRIP» application + mesotherapy) were continued for the next 2 weeks (2 times a week). All patients noted subjective improvement in their general condition amid the accelerated remitting of the inflammation developed in periodontal tissues. At the end of treatment, there were no complaints of bleeding, discomfort, itching in 14 (87.5%) patients. Hyperemia, cyanosis and edema disappeared or decreased in all patients, tooth mobility decreased in 6 patients (37.5%). Acquired data showed that all patients well tolerated mesotherapy sessions.

Conclusion. The clinical effect is associated with regenerative processes acceleration, enhanced (by mesotherapy sessions) action of used traditional drugs and «TEAQRIP» applications; combined ultrasound and photon irradiation of periodontal tissue contributed to a deeper effect of the used remedies.

About the authors

A Ch Pashaev

Azerbaijan Medical University

Author for correspondence.

I E Dzhafarli

Azerbaijan Medical University



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© 2016 Pashaev A.C., Dzhafarli I.E.

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