Anticoagulant and fibrinolytic blood systems in patients with arterial hypertension stage III

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Aim. To measure the indicators of the anticoagulant and fibrinolytic blood systems activity in patients with arterial hypertension after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke. Methods. 82 patients with arterial hypertension were examined at different terms after suffering a hemorrhagic stroke. Antithrombin III activity, total blood fibrinolytic activity and D-dimer levels, as well as tissue plasminogen activator activity and antigen levels were studied. Patients were examined at admission before standard treatment initiation and at discharge. Tissue plasminogen activator activity and its antigen level were determined at admission. Statistical data processing was performed using Statistica 8 (StatSoft) integrated package for Windows. Results. Inhibited fibrinolytic activity and an imbalance of its components, as well as reduced levels and activity of antithrombin III and signs of fibrin formation were revealed in patients with arterial hypertension stage III at different periods after suffering hemorrhagic stroke. Changes were most evident in early and late recovery periods after suffered cerebral stroke. Subsequent follow-up for over-a-year term after suffered cerebral stroke revealed a trend for normalization of these indicators. The study of tissue plasminogen activator activity and levels of its antigen showed significant changes in these parameters. Analysis of the obtained results for all patients with hypertension, regardless of the period of hemorrhagic stroke, showed the reduction of the antigen tissue plasminogen activator level and its increased activity. After in-patient treatment, there was a trend for improvement in all studied parameters without their complete normalization. Conclusion. The results suggest an activation of intravascular clotting in parients with arterial hypertension who suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, increasing the risk for further cardiovascular complications.

About the authors

G Kh Mirsaeva

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

R A Khakimova

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia



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