Introducing adaptation program for nursing staff to a new work environment and the work place

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Aim. To find a scientific rationale and to develop a comprehensive system to adapt nursing staff at federal healthcare facilities. Methods. The following methods were used: direct observation, sociological, expert evaluation, analytical, statistical. The study included 526 nurses, among them 8 were principal chief nurses, 114 - senior nurses of the departments, 328 - ordinary nursing staff, 79 - newly accepted employees who completed the developed adaptation program for nursing staff. Special questionnaires were designed for adaptation program development. The existing system of nursing staff professional development was assessed by processing «Nursing staff adaptation program» documents. Results. A new program of adaptation of new employees to the workplace and professional requirements for a future position was designed while improving nursing staff management, according to the study results. The program includes the use of modern adaptation process methodology and contains teaching materials. The comparative analysis of the answers of executive nursing staff revealed that principal chief nurses admitted the need for the program: 7 (87.5%) out of 8 nurses considered it necessary before it was introduced, 100% of principal chief nurses recognized the importance of adaptation program after it was introduced. Senior nurses admitted the need for introducing the program in 70 (61.4%) of cases, however, after its introduction 108 (94.7%) of respondents confirmed that it was necessity. Conclusion. Adaptation program to a professional environment and new workplace for nursing staff is actual and is a necessary part of preparing the new employees to a professional environment and activities at the new workplace.

About the authors

N A Kasimovskaya

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia


V E Efremova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia


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