Thrombocyte hemostasis disorders in patients with arterial hypertension at different terms after survived hemorrhagic stroke

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Aim. To analyze the indices of platelet link of hemostasis in patients with arterial hypertension at different periods after surviving hemorrhagic stroke.

Methods. 82 patients with arterial hypertension stage 3 were followed up after surviving the hemorrhagic stroke. The following indicators of platelet hemostasis were studied: platelet count, spontaneous aggregation of thrombocytes; adenosine diphosphate aggregation of thrombocytes induced by adenosine diphosphate, collagen and ristomycin. The laboratory test were performed at admission before the standard treatment was initiated, and at discharge. Statistical data were processed using the integrated Statistica 8.0 software package for Windows (StatSoft).

Results. All examined patients had signs of thrombocyte hemostasis activation. In patients with arterial hypertension, reduced platelet count and increased functional activity of thrombocytes was revealed in early rehabilitation period after hemorrhagic stroke, characterized by non-significant increase of spontaneous and induced platelet aggregation. In patients with arterial hypertension in late rehabilitative period and in residual period after surviving the hemorrhagic stroke, a study of primary stage of platelet hemostasis showed statistically significant deviations of platelet aggregation, seen as the increased spontaneous and induced platelet aggregation, indicating chronic hypercoagulation.

Conclusion. Presented data of platelet link of hemostasis alterations may indicate a higher risk of thrombosis in patients with arterial hypertension over time after surviving the hemorrhagic stroke which may lead to recurring vascular complications.

About the authors

G Kh Mirsaeva

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

Author for correspondence.

R A Khakimova

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


I R Timershina

«Megi» Medical Center, Ufa, Russia



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© 2015 Mirsaeva G.K., Khakimova R.A., Timershina I.R.

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