Results of endoscopic treatment in patients with obstructive jaundice

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Aim. To evaluate the results of endoscopic treatment in patients with obstructive jaundice. Methods. 136 patients with obstructive jaundice aged 27 to 88 years were referred for endoscopic transpapillary interventions from 2007 to 2012. 24 (17.6%) patients had biliary obstruction due to malignancies, most frequently - pancreatic cancer in the head of the pancreas (12 out of 24 patients, 50% of cancer cases). Among 112 (82.4%) patients with benign obstructive jaundice choledocholithiasis was diagnosed 67 (59.8%). Results. In 4 out of the 24 (16.7%) patients with malignancies and in 1 out of 112 (0.9%) patients with benign obstructive jaundice an endoscopic transpapillary intervention has failed. Single endoscopic transpapillary drainage was needed in 66 (48.5% of cases) patients, two endoscopic transpapillary decompressions - in 56 (41.2%) patients, three or more - in 14 (10.3%) patients. Papillosphincterotomy was the most frequent procedure performed, used in 136 out of 225 (60.4%) of cases. Serious complications occurred in 3.1% (7 out of 225) of completed surgeries. 1 (0.7%) patient has died of the heart failure. Endoscopic transpapillary stenting, which was performed in 19.6% of cases (44 out of 225 procedures) was the most secure treatment method with complication rate of 0%. Conclusion. The effectiveness of endoscopic transpapillary drainage in patients with obstructive jaundice of various genesis has reached 96.3%.

About the authors

I M Sayfutdinov

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia


L E Slavin

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia


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© 2013 Sayfutdinov I.M., Slavin L.E.

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