Optimization of antifibrinolytic protection during neurosurgical operations

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Aim. To conduct a retrospective analysis of intraoperative and postoperative blood loss during removal of brain tumors with the usage of tranexamic acid and infusion correction of hemodynamically significant blood losses. Methods. The study included 139 patients operated on for tumors of the brain and spinal cord, and treated with tranexamic acid. Distribution of patients according to the volume of blood loss was as follows: the first group - up to 500 ml of blood loss, 48 patients (34.5%); the second group - 500-1200 ml of blood loss, 72 patients (51.7%); the third group - more than 1200 ml of blood loss, 19 patients (13.9%). Results. The retrospective analysis has shown that 34.5% of patients (first group) were operated with the lowest blood loss - up to 10% of the circulating blood volume; 51.7% of patients (second group) - with a blood loss of 20 to 30% of the circulating blood volume. In the third group, which included 13.9% of patients, there was a blood loss of more than 30% of the circulating blood volume, which is defined as hemodynamically significant. It is in the third group, as shown by the analysis, that in addition a therapeutic dose of tranexamic acid 15-20 mg/kg was administered. The extent and intensity of intraoperative blood loss were dependent on many factors, mainly on the nature of the tumor process. Conclusion. It was established that the changes of the hemostatic system were depended on the degree of hemodilution; the use of tranexamic acid made it possible to reduce the amount of postoperative blood loss, despite the degree of intraoperative blood loss.

About the authors

L R Sultanov

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia

Email: Lenar_medic@rambler.ru


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© 2012 Sultanov L.R.

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