Radio-endovascular methods in prevention and treatment of arrosive bleedings in patients with destructive pancreatitis

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The review decribes the radio-endovascular methods in prevention and treatment of arrosive bleedings in destructive pancreatitis. The importance of non-surgical treatment in patients with aseptic forms of destructive pancreatitis is presented. It is stressed that the problem of an optimal surgical treatment choice in patients with pancreatolysis is not solved. Efficiency of minimally invasive surgery for treating destructive pancreatitis is shown. Radio-endovascular treatment methods, including intraarterial drug infusions and pancreatic arteries embolization to prevent and treat pancreatic inflammation and arrosive bleedings from visceral arteries aneurisms, are among such options. Researches of domestic and foreign authors give the clinical basis for selective drug introduction into coeliac artery in destructive pancreatitis treatment. Clinical cases of visceral arteries (lienal, gastroduodenal, left colonic, intrahepatic) embolization are reviewed as a way of hemorrhagic complications prevention and emergency treatment in destructive pancreatitis. The problem of arrosive bleedings in destructive pancreatitis at the present stage can be adequately controlled in the conditions of specialized surgical ward equipped with operational radio-endovascular facilities and multispiral computed tomographic scanner.

About the authors

A M Zainutdinov

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia


I S Malkov

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia

A A Valeev

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia


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© 2013 Zainutdinov A.M., Malkov I.S., Valeev A.A.

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