Evaluation of myocardial viability in patients with coronary heart disease complicated with advanced left ventricular dysfunction

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Review of the literature on myocardial viability evaluation at the stage of surgical treatment planning in patients with coronary heart disease complicated with advanced left ventricular dysfunction is presented. In significant number of patients myocardial revascularization may improve regional and global heart function, and lead to further clinical improvement. The underlying pathophysiology involves different types of reversible myocardial dysfunction (hibernation, stunning), which may co-exist within the same patient’s myocardium. Potentially reversible left ventricular dysfunction is characterized by preserved cell membrane integrity and cardiomyocyte metabolism (sufficient to maintain cellular functions and cell membrane integrity in conditions of chronic or repetitive ischemia). Another important objective when assessing myocardial viability - pre-operative evaluation of post-infarction aneurysms in patients with severe left ventricular dysfunction. Results of clinical trials assessing the effectiveness of surgical revascularization in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy as well as the results of the clinical trial on surgical treatment of ischemic heart failure are presented. A spectrum of non-invasive methods of myocardial viability evaluation, including the most studied nuclear, allows to identify cases of reversible left ventricular dysfunction in patients with congestive heart failure and to make a prognosis on success of the surgical treatment.

About the authors

G B Saifullina

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia

Email: sayfullina_rad@mail.ru

M M Ibatullin

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia

A R Sadykov

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia

N M Valiullina

Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Saifullina G.B., Ibatullin M.M., Sadykov A.R., Valiullina N.M.

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