Rational use of medicines: contribution to development of healthcare systems

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Development of World Health Organization (WHO) Rational Use of Medicines concept internationally and its implementation in the Russian Federation is reviewed. The need to consolidate efforts for the introduction of the WHO-developed strategy for the use of medicines improvement is explained. The WHO strategy to improve the use of medicines is described. Abundance of medicines, medicinal products and various formulations of the same active substances, as well as of promotional materials, which often mislead healthcare community and consumers, requires establishment of a system promoting effective and safe use of medicines and ensuring access to essential medicines of all members of the society. The factors which contribute to irrational use of medicines, avoidable causes, and consequences of irrational use of medicines are presented. Current situation in the Russian Federation regarding the use of medicines: legal and regulatory framework, the results of the registration process, documents valid on a national level and in particular regions that determine pharmaceutical policy is described in detail. Methodology of assessing prescribing practices and medicine consumption recommended by the World Health Organization for implementation and use globally is revealed. The implementation of the WHO concept of the rational use of medicines in the Republic of Tatarstan is described as an example. An illustration of the authors’ findings on effects of clinical pharmacology services on containment of medicines’ costs at the level of internal diseases department of municipal hospital is presented. The leading thesis of WHO Rational Use of Medicines concept - the establishment of independent multidisciplinary regional structures responsible for the quality use of medicines - is substantiated.

About the authors

L Y Shaydullina

Ministry of Healthcare, Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia

Email: salvia-nobite@mail.ru

L E Ziganshina

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Shaydullina L.Y., Ziganshina L.E.

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