Prevention of paracolostomal complications following abdominoperineal extirpation of the rectum

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Aim. To find an optimal way of end colostoma formation in patients with colorectal cancer following abdominoperineal extirpation of the rectum. Methods. Results of surgical treatment (rectum extirpation ended with sigmoidostomy) of 142 patients with malignant tumors of lower part of rectal ampulla treated from 2005 to 2012 are presented. Data of 101 patients (comparison group) were retrospectively analyzed, in whom the same approach of choosing the colostomy technique was applied. The main group consisted of 41 patients in whom the efficacy of authors-introduced technique of colostomy with alloplasty for colostomal wound consolidation from the abdominal cavity side was prospectively defined. Results. The prevalence of early post-operative stomal complications was 18,8% (in 19 out of 109 patients) in comparison group. Ileum volvulus around the stoma causing bowel obstruction was diagnosed in 2 cases, necrosis of stoma wall - in 2 patients, evisceration around stoma site - in 3 patients, perforation of sigmoid stoma - in 1 patient, stoma retraction - in 1 patient, bleeding at stoma site - in 3 patients, paracolostomal mass - in 1 patient. 14 patients from comparison group developed late post-operative stomal complications, including parastomal hernia - 8 patients, stoma prolapse - 3 patients, colostomal fistula - 1 patient, stomal stenosis - 2 patients. Treatment results in the patients from the main group were satisfactory. Early complications included 1 case of bleeding from stoma site, 1 case of partial necrosis of stoma wall. No late complications were registered. The gained data allows to provide successful rehabilitation to patients who underwent colorectal cancer surgery. The described technique is contraindicated in case of infected peritoneal effusion. Conclusion. The use of the method proposed by authors not only significantly improves colostomy results, but significantly decreases the rate of both early and late post-operative complications of stomas compared to standard methods.

About the authors

Z M Toychuev

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


I G Gataullin

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

I R Aglullin

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

M R Khamitov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

M R Kaji

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2012 Toychuev Z.M., Gataullin I.G., Aglullin I.R., Khamitov M.R., Kaji M.R.

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