Higher pharmaceutical education in the Republic of Tatarstan: sources of formation of educational basis, it’s development, improvement, results and achievements

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The analysis of historical and bibliographic data of pharmaceutical education foundation in the Republic of Tatarstan is presented. Over than 200-year history of higher education in Kazan, started in 1804, determined the development of not only medical, but also pharmaceutical sciences. In Kazan Emperor’s University 4 faculties were founded, including the Faculty of Medical Sciences, that included the combined Department of chemistry, technology and pharmacy (pharmaceutics), which actually consisted of several departments. The Pharmaceutical Faculty was established in Kazan Medical Institute in 1975. Departments of Pharmaceutical, analytical and toxicological chemistry, Pharmaceutical technologies, Pharmacognosy and botany, Organization and economics of pharmacy were created. First pharmacists were graduated at 1980. By June 2012, 2472 full-time students were granted the diplomas of pharmacists, 2418 were Russian citizens, 54 - foreigners. In 1998, Department of part-time education was established at Pharmaceutical Faculty, which has already graduated 606 pharmacists. Alumni of Pharmaceutical Faculty of Kazan State Medical University occupy the highest supervising posts at pharmacy network and pharmaceutical industry, which is the clear evidence of the highest quality of education they have received at the University.

About the authors

L A Potseluyeva

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

Email: lusi@kgmu.kcn.ru


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