Restorative minimally invasive interventions in patients with colostomy

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Aim. To show the benefits of performing mini-access restorative phase on the colon in patients with colostomy.

Methods. A retrospective analysis of the results of closure stomy operations in 2011-2017 in two emergency cancer departments of Republican Clinical Oncology Center MH RT was conducted. The inclusion criteria of the study were: 1) surgical intervention for acute intestinal obstruction in colorectal cancer performed in RCOC; 2) mandatory removal of the primary tumor during the first surgery; 3) the presence of a functioning intestinal stoma formed during the first surgery; 4) fixation of both stumps in one stoma. The exclusion criteria were refusal to restore the continuity of the colon for medical indications and the patient's refusal to undergo the surgery.

Results. The study included 11 males (44 %) and 14 females (56 %). The age interval was 49 to 81 years, of which 12 patients were over 70 years old (48 %), the average age was 67.7 ± 5.4 years. The tumor removed at the first stage was localized in the right parts of the colon in 5 patients (20 %), and in the left in 20 patients (80 %). By the stages of the malignant process, the patients were distributed as follows: stage B - 14 cases (56 %), stage C - 10 (40 %), stage D - 1 (4 %). The average duration of the surgery was 53 ± 14.38 minutes (40 to 123). The postoperative period was 10.8 ± 1.92 days on average (5 to 18).

Conclusion. Restoration of intestinal continuity through mini-paracolostomy access is technically rational, as due to the mini-access the patient undergoes minor surgical trauma; the anatomical proximity of the anastomosed bowel stumps excludes the difficulties associated with the search for the distal stump in the traditional method of recovery; the duration of the postoperative hospital stay decreases significantly.

About the authors

F Sh Akhmetzyanov

Kazan State Medical University; Republican Clinical Oncology Center; Volga Region branch of RCRC named after N.N. Blokhin

Author for correspondence.
Kazan, Russia; Kazan, Russia; Kazan, Russia

N A Valiev

Kazan State Medical University; Republican Clinical Oncology Center

Kazan, Russia; Kazan, Russia

A N Daminov

Republican Clinical Oncology Center

Kazan, Russia

B Sh Bikbov

Republican Clinical Oncology Center

Kazan, Russia


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© 2018 Akhmetzyanov F.S., Valiev N.A., Daminov A.N., Bikbov B.S.

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