卷 47, 编号 1 (1998)

Current public health problems

Main metrics of operation obstetrics of establishments of St.-Petersburg

Novikov B.


In St.-Petersburg there are 10 maternity houses, 3 clinics of obstetrics and gynecology and 47 female advice at a present time. The last time is marked lowering an amount of delivery up till 32-34 thousand per year. Increase of frequency extragenital of a pathology of pregnant is marked. 2/3 of delivery flow past with complications. The most often there are the anomalies of a contractive activity of uterus and bleeding in III period of delivery and postpartum period. The frequency of operation cesarean section of a cut makes 11-13 % from a total number of delivery.

Mother's mortality is in bounds from 31.9 till to 34.4 for 100000 living babies. An average metric of perinatal mortality is 12.4%O. According to the concept of development of public health services of city creation of out-patient separations in maternity houses is planned.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):8-9
pages 8-9 views

Influence of a complex of the factors of a radiating catastrophe on a state reproductive health of the women

Bezhenar V.


Some data in an article about learning of influence of a complex of the factors Chernobyl's catastrophe on reproductive health of the women which taking part in liquidations accident, living and evacuated from radioactive-polluted of territories (RPT) are represented of. On the basis of spent researches dependence between effect of the factors of radiating accident and growth of a gynecology and somatic diseases of the women-liquidators and evacuated from RPT in 8 years after accident is detected. A leading place of gynecology pathology in a structure of diseases of the women-liquidators is shown. Significant number of the liquidators (18.7 %) with a central level of a defeat in an endocrine system is detected. Is installed, that the influence of the factors of radiating accident to a female organism is accompanied by creation disbalance in the system immunoregulatory of cells. The women which live in conditions of chronic effect of small of dozes ionizing radiation, develops secondary immunodeficiant a state as violation as cell-like, and humoral of a link of immunity. Creation of an unstable state henom at women-liquidators of consequences of accident, saved on stretch 8-9 years after accident is detected.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):10-15
pages 10-15 views

A problem of health of the woman and an adaptation to the varying ecological and professional factors

Novickij A., Dudorenko S., Bobrov L., Obresan A.


In an article generalizing own scientific data of the authors on influence of the varying factors of the social and ecological environment, joined by a syndrome chronic adaptive strain, on health the woman are represented. In an outcome of studying of mechanisms of development of the given syndrome, the authors allocate a few its links: hypothymie variant of dezadaptation, disintegration of the function of systems hypothalamic- hypophysis-thyreoid of iron and hypothalamic-hypophysis-subrenal- ovarian, depressing glucose and activation lipoid of metabolism process, development lipoid perocsidation and damage of diaphragms of heavily divided cells (immunity of the system, of a gastric-intestinal tract and other).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):16-18
pages 16-18 views

Original Research

To a problem of the markers of vessels wall at EPH-gestosis

Ailamasian E., Zainulina M., Petrishev N.


Content in blood of markers of damage of a vessel wall (factor Willebrand, tissue of a catalyst plasminogen, cells circulating in blood endothelium), and also intravessel an aggregate platelet and uterine - placental bloodcurrent at 205 patients, among which woman with physiological current of pregnancy and with EPH-gestosis of a various degree of weight is investigated. The patients with nephropathy and preeclampsy were divided into groups depending on a method of treatment.

The 46 pregnant with EPH-gestosis of a various degree of weight was carried by clofelin in a daily doze 0,00015-0,0003 g during 7-10 days, 42 women therapy (the course doze 25,5-27 g of dry substance) is spent magnesium, 59 pregnant received clofelin and magnesium therapy in the above-stated dozes. The group of comparison formed 38 patients.

It was shown the important value of a research of markers of damage endothelium for diagnostics, definition of a degree of weight and control for efficiency of therapy pregnant with EPH-gestosis. Clofelin and magnesium, used for treatment of pregnant with EPH-gestosis as is independent, and in a combination, have endotheliumprotection operation, as reduce in authentic decrease of a content in blood of a marker of vessel's disorders of circulating cells endothelium, and also reduce intravessel an aggregate of platelets and improve uterine-placental bloodcurrent.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):19-23
pages 19-23 views

Therapy of candidosis vulvovaginitis at pregnancy

Simchera I., Kira E., Dobrynin V.


Clinical effectiveness gyno-pevaryl (GP) is investigated at treatment acute (30 women) and chronic (38 patients) candidosis vulvovaginitis in the period of pregnancy. In an end of course of treatment GP clinical and laboratory the confirmed recovery is marked in the first group at 80.0 % patients, in the second and the third - at 76.3 % patients. Gynopevaryl is an effective preparation for local treatment acute and chronic candidosis vulvovaginitis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):24-26
pages 24-26 views

Physical and sexual development peculiarities of reproductive function of girls born of mothers feature sclerocystic ovary syndrome (SCOS)

Mardaleyshvili I., Orlov V.


12-17-years old girls born of mothers feature SCOS (n=46) and control group (n=52) were inspected about physical and sexual development by special methods. The distinguishes were obtained. The studies have shown a high incidence (46%) of disharmonie physical development of girls born of mothers feature SCOS because of discrepancy between body weight and growth. The sexual undevelopment of them was caused by immature of mammae, too late menarche and growing menstrual disorders. Fife cases of laparoscopy of affected individuals were shown the presence SCOS.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):27-30
pages 27-30 views

A place of a preparation «Divina» in treatment perimenopausal of disorders

Repinа M.


In an article are considered problems of effective application of a preparation «Divina» for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) at patients in perimenopausal period.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):31-33
pages 31-33 views

Experience of application urotractin at treatment of infections of urinary paths at the women

Babkin P., Petrov S., Shpilenja E.


Clinical research urotractin for treatment of infections of urinary paths at 23 women was spent. Was shown, that week course on 400 mg two times in days reduced to full disappearance of bacteria in urine at 1 /3 patients, at 30% of the women bacteriuria did not exceed 103КОЕ/ ml; at majority of patients during of treatment quickly stopped urogenital symptoms. The authors consider that urotractin is a rather effective preparation, not rendering influences to a trial function of an organism.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):34-35
pages 34-35 views

Application of perftoruglerods for treatment fetal intranatal hypoxia (experimental research)

Lebedzevich l.


Learning influence perftoruglerods of connections on current and outcome of pregnancy in experiment is spent. Efficiency is proved applications perftorans in a doze 10 mg/kg of a mass for treatment of chronic fetal intranatal hypoxia. Is shown favorable therapeutic effect on metrics peroxide lipide oxidetion, state born of fetus and mechanism of its implementation is justified.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):36-39
pages 36-39 views

Calcium calcium’s in complex the process of regulations activity at anomalies the labour of delivery, gestosis, hypertonic diseases and cardio-vascular distonia on the hypertonical type

Ablullaev D., Abramchenko V., Cirkin V., Kaplenko O.


In article according to the experience of different test, which took place on 943 parturients the prescriptions for application calcium calcium's in sorts are formulated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):40-46
pages 40-46 views

Prediction of development postpartum infectious of diseases depending on a degree infection of placenta

Melnikova S., Orlov V., Gelman V., Kolcov M.


In article outcomes of a research 636 histories of neonates were represented. Among them - 340 patients with postpartum infectious diseases have made the main group, 296 women with physiological postpartum period - control group. The degree of infection the placenta was determined by the research of hystology. In an outcome of a research was installed, that at the women with postpartum infectious diseases by diseases inflammatory changes in placenta met in 2.5 times more often, than at the women of control group. In addition analysis of the factors, influential on infection of placenta during pregnancy and neonatus, was spent. Obtained data specify, that in development postpartum infection diseases the important prognostic criterion is presence of inflammatory changes in placenta. Expediency of a hystology research is justified.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):47-49
pages 47-49 views

Atrophic colpitis. Pathogenesis. Preventive treatment. Treatment.

Radzinskij V., Ordijanc I.


Main links pathogenesis of atrophic colpitis were considered, were investigated dependence urogenital of infections and of trofic violations at the women in the menopausal period. The most expressed changes on the part of microbiological and cytological of metrics with the purpose of development of methods of preventive maintenance and treatment colpitis at the women of the menopausal period were appreciated. In the programme of treatment were included preparations for restoring microbiocenosis of an organism. It was shown, that, apart from hormone replacement therapy, the preventive maintenance atrophic colpitis is impossible without normalisation biocenosis of urogenital of a tract.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Immune and biochemical mechanisms of adaptation of a female organism to a surgical stress

Tsvelev l., Dolgov G.


Immune and biochemical mechanisms of adaptation at the gynecology patients with was not aggravated (sanogenetic) current postoperative period (n=334) and at the sick women with postoperation inflammatory complications were detected (n=133). For the sick women with was not aggravated current postoperative period are characteristic temporary stressory T- and B-immunosupression, fast activation proteins of an acute phase of an inflammation, that reduces to active sanation of a zone of surgical interference. The complicated current of postoperation period is characterised long T- and B- immunosupression, rise of a level of molecules of an average mass and maloun dialdehides, slow activation proteins of an acute phase of an inflammation, that reduces to slow sanation of a zone of surgical interference and is one of «internal» conditions for implementation inflammatory of complications.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):54-57
pages 54-57 views

The role of nitric oxide and its donors in uterus contractility regulation

Abramchenko V., Sherbina L., Nikitin S., Nikitin A., Kuzminih T.


This article presents comprehensive data on uterine contractility regulation by nitric oxide, including systematized contemporary data on the status and function of the human nitroxidergic vasodilator system, and our experience in threat of pregnancy interruption management by nitroglycerin given with the transdermal therapeutic system Deponit 5 (Schwarz Pharma, Germany). To control contractile uterine activity in pregnant women with pathologic preliminary period, the authors successfully used sublingual application of Nitrolingual aerosol (G. Pohl-Boskamp GmbH and Co, Germany) with prolongation of the effect by the Deponit system 5. As little as five minutes after aerosol application tocography revealed a decrease in uterine contraction frequency, duration and intensity. By effecting post- and preloading and lowering the resistance of spiral arteries, vasodilators provided increased intensity of placenta circulation, which had a great importance for anteintranatal care of the fetus and newborn. The advantages of nitric oxide donator application in obstetrics were also demonstrated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):58-63
pages 58-63 views

Valaciklovir in therapy genital herpes

Isakov V., Safronova M.


In the article new data of therapy genital herpes are represented. Effectiveness therapy of valaciklovir are considered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):64-64
pages 64-64 views


Biochemical aspects of creation bacterial vaginosis

Karpishenko A., Kira E., Molchanov O.


In the review new data and the author’s original opinion of the biochemical mechanisms in pathogenesis of bacterial vaginosis are represented.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):65-69
pages 65-69 views


Endometriosis at the present stage

Baskakov V.


In the lecture modern sights on ethiology and pathogenesis of endometriosis are represented. Problems of its conservative therapy are considered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):70-76
pages 70-76 views


Psychotherapy at the women with threat incontinence of pregnancy

Shvetsov M., Startseva N.


Solid - oriented therapy and psychosomatic a research at 100 pregnant of the women with incontinence of pregnancy was spent. After 1-4 occupations at the patients disappeared all or majority of the complaints showed on the first occupation. 99 % of the women have given rise in time. The judgement expresses, that the pathology of pregnancy can be adequate understood and is eliminated by nontraditional medical approaches. It is obvious, that psychosocial and the behavioural factors bring in the contribution to a state of health. The realisation therapy, which focuses attention first of all on a patient, allows successfully to decide some problems of the obstetrical practice.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):77-79
pages 77-79 views

Simultaneous of operation in onkogynecology

Efimenko N., Abashin V.


Outcomes 80 simultaneous of operations at onkogynecologycal patients are considered. Variant of a classification simultaneous of operations in gynecology is offered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):80-82
pages 80-82 views


Rare cases of combined gunshot injuries of female genital organs in peace time

Kira E., Tsvelev l., Kaplun I., Zhirnovoi V., Divin S.


In the article analysis two rare cases of combined gunshot injuries of female genital organs in peace time were represented.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):83-86
pages 83-86 views

History page

The evolution of methods of planning the family

Pilkevich R., Gaivoronskih D.


«... But can you explain who Persej or Jason irritates you?

And what do force to torment your womb by your hand?

In gloomy gorges Armenia the tigers are not so severe.

And impossible that the lion tried to pull out the fetus.

But the gentle girls only could attempt on it.

And their own death expects them as a punishment... «


Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):87-91
pages 87-91 views

Scientific activity

International cooperation and training of midwives

Dymchenko L.


One of the areas of international cooperation carried out by the St. Petersburg Obstetric College is joint activities with the British Association Hele Prom. This nongovernmental organization assists in the development of health care in the republics of the former Soviet Union. An important part of this work is to ensure maternal and child health.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1998;47(1):92-92
pages 92-92 views
