
Oxytocin: physiological and pathophysiological determinants. A review
Prokhorova O.V., Olina A.A., Tolibova G.K., Tral T.G.
Common loss of the I-th three months gestation, observation tactics
Sidelnicova V.M., Sosnina V.V.
Medico-ecological aspects of physical and sexual development of the adolescent girls
Baranov A.N., Lebedeva T.B.
Diagnostic screening character of adnexa inflammatory formations
Shatunova E.P.
Inhibin as a reproductive biomarker part 2. Clinical significance of inhibins in reproductive medicine
Abdulkadyrova Z.K., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Gzgzyan A.M., Dzhemlikhanova L.K., Abashova E.I.
Inhibin as a reproductive biomarker. Part 1
Abdulkadyrova Z.K., Abashova E.I.
Inflammaging and prognostic markers of endometriosis
Shteiman A.A., Krylova Y.S., Dokhov M.A., Zubareva T.S.
Mammary gland - organ of women reproductive system
Ilyin A.B., Beskrovny S.V.
Evaluation of free radical processes in metabolism in combined hyperplasias of the female reproductive system
Chepur S.V., Popov Е.N., Niauri D.А.
Role of Kisspeptine in Regulation of Reproductive Function
Yarmolinskaya M.I., Ganbarli N.F., Ailamazian E.K.
Leptin and the female reproductive system (review)
Ryazantseva E.M.
Genetic determinants in hyperplasic illnesses of the reproductive system
Radzinsky V.E., Itkes А.V., Ordiiants I.M., Orazmuradova L.O., Lobanova О.T., Grigorieva N.V.
1 - 12 of 12 Items

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