Vol 54, No 1 (2005)

Environment and woman reproduction health

Environment and women's reproductive health

Ailamazyan E.K.


For more than 40 years Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after V.I. D.O. Otta RAMS is the leading institution for the problem "Ecology and reproductive health of women" of the Scientific Council (NS) for Obstetrics and Gynecology of the RAMS and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (M3 RF)

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):5-6
pages 5-6 views

The main problems and applied significance of ecological reproduction

Ailamazyan E.K.


Ecological reproductology is a field of medical knowledge the subject of which is the study of ecology-dependent adaptive and pathologic reactions of human reproductive function. The system of bioecological diagnostics of the environment by means of the woman’s reproductive function indices allows to form a reliable information ground for taking administrative decisions and to prevent some of reproductive losses, to preserve and improve health of the woman and her posterity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):7-13
pages 7-13 views

Ecological genetics, reproductive health and predictive medicine

Baranov V.S.


Ecological genetics plays a major role in protecting reproductive health and prevention of inherited and inborn disorders. Protection of reproductive health in women poses special problems as because of long period of oogenesis damaging of female gametes is feasible during several successive generations. Recent achievements in predictive (preventive) medicine render opportunities for presymptomatic diagnostics and efficient prevention of inherited and inborn disorders as well as severe and common diseases in postnatal life. Testing of genetic polymorphisms creates solid genetic background in predictive medicine. Thorough studies are needed to evaluate predictive value of already existing genetic tests. Necessities for solid legislative background and comprehensible medical evaluation of genetic tests results are also quite urgent tasks of current medicine. Widespread population genetic testing with subsequent relevant interpretation of the results might pave the way for more objective evaluation of unfavorable action of ecological factors in humans. These studies in conjunction with already elaborated Genetic Chart of Reproductive Health might help a lot in protecting of reproductive health as well as in prevention of inherited and inborn disorders.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Systemic and local levels of regulation of immunopathogenetic processes in patients with external genital endometriosis

Selkov S.A., Yarmolinskaya M.I., Pavlov O.V., Sokolov D.I., Grigorijeva V.V., Kramareva N.L., Solodovnikova N.G., Niauri D.A.


The article represents the authors’ data, gained during studies of systemic and local mechanisms of regulation of immune processes in pathogenesis of external genital endometriosis. Research was carried out into spectrum and production of some cytokines, growth factors by endometrioid heterotopias under condition of organotypic cultivation compared to secretary activity of cells in peritoneal fluid and endometrial tissue in women with endometriosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):20-28
pages 20-28 views

Diffuse non-toxic goiter and pregnancy

Potine V.V., Loginov A.B., Tkathenko N.N.


The aim of this study was to investigate of effect of pregnancy on the thyroid sizes and function at the patients with diffuse non-toxic goiter in a region of marginal iodine deficiency. Materials and methods: 132 pregnant women in the age of 18-39 years, including 110 with diffuse non- toxic goiter and 22 pregnant women with a normal thyroid gland, were examined. 30 patients with diffuse non-toxic goiter of the first degree received 200 мкг per day of KI (iodid- 200), 40 patients with diffuse non-toxic goiter of the second degree received a 25-75 micrograms/day thyroxine (euthyrox). 25 patients with diffuse non-toxic goiter had not received regular therapy. The autoimmune thyroiditis is revealed for 15 women with diffuse non-toxic goiter. They received a 75-100 micrograms/day euthyrox. We estimated volume of the thyroid gland by ultrasound, serum TSH and serum thyroid hormone in each trimester of pregnancy. Results: At the healthy women during pregnancy the percentage increase of volume of a thyroid gland has constituted 24,3±0,2%. At the patients with diffuse non-toxic goiter, not receiving therapy, the thyroid gland was authentically increased at 37,1±1,1%. At the pregnant women receiving iodidum the percentage increase of volume of a thyroid gland has constituted 12,3±0,7%. After of a euthyrox therapy there was a relative decrease of the thyroid volume by 13,7±0,5%. In the group of healthy women a TSH level has increased inconsiderable from l,3±0,6mU/l to l,6±0,2mU/l to the end of pregnancy. During pregnancy in the group of women with diffuse non-toxic goiter without treatment rising the TSH values in a blood from l,4±0,3mU/I to 2,3±0,2 mU/l was revealed. The mean TSH levels of the goitrous pregnant group, receiving iodidum, essentially did not vary during pregnancy. In the goitrous pregnant group, receiving euthyrox, a TSH level has decreased considerably from l,8±0,5mU/l to 0,6±0,2 mU/l to the end of pregnancy. TSH values and free T4 in all the pregnant women were within the reference range in a blood of the healthy nonpregnant women. Was not observed of differences of pregnancy course and term delivery in compared groups. The high frequency of complications of pregnancy is connected to availability of the not diagnosed autoimmune thyroiditis. Conclusion: These results recommend to usage of iodine at the women with a not enlarged thyroid gland and with diffuse non-toxic goiter of the first degree and nonsupressic doses of thyroxine at the women with diffuse non-toxic goiter of the second degree during pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):29-34
pages 29-34 views

Prophylaxis of pregnancy complications in inhabitants of ecologically unhealthy areael

Kosheleva N.G., Gavrilova E.G.


Clinical and laboratory supervision of the course of pregnancy was carried out in dynamics. Examenation and investigation of 198 women who live in the northern district of Orel. 98 pregnant women who received vegetable adaptogen, antioxidant, immunological the «Vitagmal» an extract of medical herb Polyscias filcifolia araliev family three times during pregnancy: at 10-11, 20-26, 32-33 weeks. Each course lasted 3 weeks. Patients received it daily 15 drops a day. The use of «Vitagmal» lessened the rate of pregnancy complications; anemia; to improve blood and immunological parameters.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):35-41
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The risk of reproductive health disorders in women when exposed to harmful factors

Sivochalova O.V.


The actual problem of our time is the deterioration of the reproductive health of the population, which in turn, to a certain extent, determines the demographic processes.

The article describes the harmful factors causing violations of the processes of reproduction of professional and ecological genesis. Indicators of the incidence of pregnant women and their offspring are given, depending on the technogenic load of the area of residence.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):42-51
pages 42-51 views

Medico-ecological aspects of physical and sexual development of the adolescent girls

Baranov A.N., Lebedeva T.B.


It has been established that ecologic factors could badly influence on the development of the reproductive system. Among anthropogenic ecologic factors, metal pollutants are of special interest.

In our survey, we have revealed that adolescent girls, living in the territories polluted by the salts of heavy metals, tend to have intersexual type of body build, which has manifested in enlarged shoulder width, enlarged length of the arms and decreased transverse pelvic distances. The development of the secondary sexual signs was accompanied by the retardation in development of mammas, arm-pits pilosis and onset of the first menstrual period. The fact that adolescent girls live in the areas with elevated soil concentration of the salts of heavy metals should be considered as unfavorable, with feasible influence on the physical and sexual development.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Experimental study of mechanisms of disturbances of hypothalamic regulation of reproduction

Arutjunyan A.V., Kerkeshko G.O., Stepanov M.G., Korenevsky A.V., Ailamazyan E.K.


Summary: Diurnal rhythms of the activity of a number of monoaminergic systems of the hypothalamus (norepinephrine and serotonin in PA and ME-ArN, as well as dopamine in ME-ArN) have been shown to depend on the functioning of an endogenous circadian oscillator in SCN of the hypothalamus. Light modifies the diurnal rhythms of the neurotransmitters. Enhancement of the activity of the noradrenergic systems with sex steroids in proestrus is an important mechanism of the forming of the preovulatory surge of GnRH and gonadotropines’ secretion, which initiates ovulation. Consideration of our own experimental data and literature allow the supposition that the change of diurnal rhythms of norepinephrine in PA and ME-ArN could result in profound disturbances of hypothalamic regulation of reproductive cycles and be one of key reasons for negative effect of xenobiotics on reproduction.

Supported by RFBR grant 04-04-49204.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):57-63
pages 57-63 views

Norming the reproductive health disturbances in the workers-women working at the sulphate cellulose production

Meshakova N.M., Rukavishnikov V.S., Kulinich S.I.


The work conditions and reproductive health states have been studied in the women working at the sulphate cellulose production and systematically exposed to harmful chemical substances polluting the workplace air. Among them methyl sulfide compounds (MSC) in the concentrations which than a hygienical normative were found to be of a principal importance. In the structure of extragenital pathology the diseases of the respiratory system and the functional disturbances of the central nervous system were found to prevail in the women working at the shops with the chemical factor. Their biochemical states were characterized with protein metabolism disorders, process hyperactivity of lipid peroxidation and the activity reduction in glutathionic link of antioxidant protection. A significant disturbance prevalence of ovarian-menstrual functions, complications and birth courses as well as the newborns health states have been revealed in the women at the childbearing ages. A high degree of productive stipulation of these disturbances has been revealed. Concept of forming the reproductive function disturbances in the workers women has been grounded. A system of hygienic and medical-preventive measures for work conditions optimizations of the workers-women as well as their reproductive health protection has been developed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):64-69
pages 64-69 views

Reproductive women health working at the gold extracting enterprises under conditions of chronic intoxication with cyanide compounds

Rukavishnikov V.S., Kolycheva I.V.


The presence of high air concentrations of hydrogen cyanide vapours in the workplace, the exposure of which stipulates high morbidity rates with a temporary work capacity loss, complications of pregnancy development and births, working losses while nursing the sick children in the women workers of the factories above compared with a control group was found to be a feature of work conditions at the Gold Extraction enterprises. Pathogenetic links of chronic exposure to hydrogen cyanide which lead to reproductive health disturbances may be considered to be forming the picture of hystooxical hypoxia, detoxication mechanisms based on binding CN-ions with methemoglobin, thiocyanate cumulation, hormone T3 and T4 synthesis disturbances.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):70-73
pages 70-73 views

Some parameters of antioxidant system in women with dyshormonal mastopathy in dynamics of menstrual cycle

Kolesnikova L.I., Suturina L.V., Gal'chenko E.V., Petrova V.A., Dolgikh M.I., Labigina A.V., Grebenkina L.A.


The article presents the results of comparative analysis of some antioxidants levels (tocopherol, retinol, glutathione) in dynamics of menstrual cycle in female patients with dyshormonal mastopathy and in healthy women. As it was established, at dyshormonal mastopathy steady deficit of restored glutathione and periodical reduction of tocopherol level are marked.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):74-77
pages 74-77 views

Ecological factors of the formation of the reproductive health of women in the Volgograd region

Andreeva M.V.


The complex research of a condition of health of the women and their children in conditions of the Volgograd region in dynamics of 25-year’s supervision has revealed authentic dependence of infringements somatic, reproductive and neonatal health from size and duration of ecological loading in area of residing. Is established, that with increase of duration of influence of a high level of ecopollution of atmospheric air the condition of health of the women and their children is worsened, i.e. the effect of the saved adverse action ecopollutants is revealed. It is confirmed received by regression models of the high statistical importance which has proved authentic connection between size and duration of ecological loading in area of residing and the basic parameters of health female and neonatal populations. These models are a basis for forecasting frequency of the revealed infringements from a degree of ecological loading.

The submitted work is a part of the contribution in the decision of a very urgent problem — ecological reproductology at a level of the Volgograd region having purpose to improve somatic, reproductive health of the women and health of their children, that will promote, at the end, stabilization of a demographic situation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):78-86
pages 78-86 views

Ecological perspectives of the women reproductive health in the region

Medic V.A., Timofeeva N.B.


The article discloses the problem of the women reproductive health in the Novgorod region. Intensive study of the annual reports of the Health Protection Committee for the last 11 years was done. Besides, analysis of 150 questionnaires of the women in childbirth was carried on; determination of the harmoniums status and two detoxication genes was inspected among 100 reproductive women in Borovichi and Staraya Russa areas. The identified deflections of the showings and taking into account ecological reproductive principles will allow reaching really solid decisions not only in social sphere, but also in obstetrics and environmental protection.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):87-92
pages 87-92 views

Resolution of the plenary session of the problem commission "ecology and reproductive health of women" of the scientific council on obstetrics and gynecology of the framework "scientific and practical aspects and prospects for the development of ecological reproduction" dated September 21-24, 2004

Ailamazyan E.K., Vinogradova E.G.


After hearing and discussing messages from various regions of the Russian Federation, the participants of the Plenum state: despite the fact that the level of anthropogenic pollution of the environment according to the parameters of sanitary and hygienic monitoring in the 2000s decreased or in a number of territories did not undergo significant changes, and qualitative indicators of the health status of pregnant women, newborns and children.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):93-95
pages 93-95 views

Effect of dydrogesterone on the hormonal profile and concentration of progesterone-induced blocking factor in pregnant women with threatened abortion

Kalinka J., Szekeres-Bartho J.


Problem: The therapeutic value of progestogens in threatened abortion is still under debate. In the presence of sufficient progesterone levels during pregnancy, lymphocytes synthesize a mediator [progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF)] that is anti-abortive in mice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of dydrogesterone on pregnancy outcome of threatened aborters.

Method of study: Twenty-seven threatened aborters were treated for 10 days with dydrogesterone (30-40 mg/day). Sixteen healthy pregnant controls received no treatment. Serum progesterone and estradiol concentrations as well as urine PIBF concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

Results: Pregnancy outcomes in dydrogesterone-treated threatened aborters did not statistically differ from those in healthy controls. Serum progesterone concentrations in control patients, but not those in threatened aborters increased as pregnancy progressed. Following dydrogesterone treatment, initially low PIBF concentrations of threatened aborters significantly increased (P = 0,001) to reach the PIBF level found in healthy controls.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):96-102
pages 96-102 views

Bone mineral density and risk factors of osteoporosis in premenopausal Saint Petersburg women's

Zazerskaya I.E., Thursina R.K., Gavrish N.A.


In article outcomes of a research of 96 premenopausal women with continuous menstrual cycle and any diseases. BMD screened for all patients in hip, vertebrals and arm by DEXA Hologic QDR 4500 Elite. Osteopenia reveled in 41,7% women in lumbal spine. The main risk factors of low BMD are: low level of progesterone, anovulation, slow physical activity, low weight.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):103-112
pages 103-112 views

Original Research

Urination disorders at endometriosis disease patients

Semenuok A.A., Pospelov I.V.


Disorders of urination in women, manifested by various disorders of the accumulative and evacuation functions of the lower urinary tract, are stated in 46% of all visits to the urologist. Among the numerous complaints in patients suffering from endometrioid disease, a large place is occupied by complaints of disorders of the act of urination. Currently, there is a significant increase in the number of these patients.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):113-117
pages 113-117 views

Infective endocarditis as a result of obstetric and gynecological sepsis

Linkova О.V., Khubulava Т.G., Novikov В.N.


The special place taken the problem of infectious failure of endocardial structures in obstetric-gynecologic practice. In this article given the analyses of the results of leading research and treatment of women patients with infectious endocarditic in puerperal period. The actuality of this problem is determined by the increasing of women with infectious endocarditic, being developed in the period of after childbirth and abortion, because of the late diagnostic and consequence, high mortality. The question of developing endocarditic at women in the period after childbirth and abortion, as in our, so in modem literature is partly shown and there are only descriptions of some cases of appearing the disease or findings failured endocarditic at autopsy of women, died because of sepsis. The researches shown, that infectious endocarditic of puerperal period has itsown distinctive features: the first endocarditic with often localization of infection in the right heart section; the leading among the stimulyses IE is golden staphylococcus, taking the first place in etiology of pus-septic infections in obstetric-gynecologic practice; long and sub acute course of disease till the moment of stating the final diagnoses, and late beginning of adequate treatment and consequence, high mortality. The questions of developing IE after childbirth and abortion demand the further researching with the aim of prophylaxis, early diagnostic and choice of early adequate complex treatment as surgical, so therapeutic.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):118-121
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Medical and social problems of the military service of women

Tsvelev Y.V., Abashin V.G., Bezhenar' V.F.


The reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces) in the current unfavorable demographic situation is accompanied by the involvement of a significant number of women in all types and branches of the armed forces in various positions associated mainly with the specialties of military humanitarian, medical, engineering, legal and other profiles.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):122-131
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Artificial insemination: ethical and legal issues

Zelenina N.V., Abashin V.G.


Ethical and legal issues related to artificial insemination (AI) are considered. The psychological problems of children conceived with the help of AI with donor sperm according to an anonymous or open program are discussed. Attention is drawn to the peculiarities of the legal aspects of preliminary cryopreservation of sperm of young cancer patients who are to undergo chemotherapy or radiation therapy, as well as military personnel of “special risk”. The article describes the legal difficulties of posthumous reproduction that arise when AI is performed with the sperm of a deceased husband. The position of the Orthodox Church on the issues under consideration is stated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):132-137
pages 132-137 views

Dmitry Oscarovich Ott and his contribution to obstetrics and gynaecology (to 150 birth anniversary)

Ailamazyan E.K., Tsvelev U.V., Bezhenar' V.F., Yakovenko T.G.


Summary: In current article, devoted to 150 birth anniversary of famous russian obstetrician-gynaecologist Dmitry Oscarovich Ott, main directions of his scientific work are described: operative gynaecology (invention of ventoscopy and vaginal surgery), neuroendocrinal regulation of specific female functions, infusion therapy in obstetrics. Based on professor Ott’s school representatives are depicted: V.V. Stroganov, L.I. Bublichenko, V.V. Preobrajensky, R.G. Lurie, V.A. Polubinsky, R.V. Kiparsky, A.E. Mandelshtam and others.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):138-148
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Experience in the Treatment of Severe Thermal Injury in a Pregnant Woman with a Favorable Outcome for the Mother and Child

Movchan K.N., Chichkov O.V., Levkov A.L., Nevlyaev T.Y., Zinoviev E.V., Sergeeva I.V., Kuzmichev V.S., Pankov V.M., Semenova I.G., Parshin E.V.


The proportion of pregnant women hospitalized for burns is small and amounts to 0.5% of the number of patients in burn centers, while most often, up to 50% of cases, patients receive superficial burns with an area of 10-30% of the body surface. Few literature data indicate that burns on an area of up to 10% of the body surface do not have a significant effect on the course of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):149-150
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150-th Anniversary of the Birth of Dmitry Oskarovich Ott

Tsvelev Y.V., Simchera I.A.


The ceremonial meeting of the scientific society of obstetricians and gynecologists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Professor Dmitry Oskarovich Ott, "made to respect Russian gynecology far beyond the borders of our Motherland, whose glorious name is known throughout the cultural world ..." ( V.S.Gruzdev), took place on his birthday - February 24.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):151-153
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International Scientific Congress "Operative Gynecology - New Technologies" November 22-24, 2005 St. Petersburg

Ailamazyan E.K.


The International Scientific Congress "Operative Gynecology - New Technologies", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Professor Dmitry Oskarovich Ott, will be held on November 22-24, 2005 in St. Petersburg. Organizers of the conference: Russian Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after I. BEFORE. Otta RAMS, North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, "Journal of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases".

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):154-154
pages 154-154 views

"Gynecology from puberty to postmenopause": A Practical Guide for Physicians / Ed. E.K. Ailamazyan. - M .: MEDpress-Inform, 2004 - 448 pages

Radzinsky V.E.


The timeliness of the publication of the peer-reviewed publication is due to the paradoxical situation that has developed in the large market of books on reproductive issues: despite the fact that the latter occupy the first place among medical publications both in terms of the number of monographs and their circulation, in recent years no practical manual for doctors has appeared. gynecologists, which would reflect modern knowledge, new technologies and methods of treatment of gynecological diseases at all stages of a woman's life.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(1):155-157
pages 155-157 views

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