Vol 11, No 4 (1897)


Surgical treatment of uterine fibroids

Gubarev A.P.


What method should be used to operate uterine fibroids and what criterion is currently desirable for solving this important practical issue - these are the thoughts that arise involuntarily when reading any new work on this subject and, despite the many significant improvements described in almost every issue of special periodicals, all these questions usually do not receive a definite answer and there is a vast field for all sorts of doubts when trying to resolve them.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):367-388
pages 367-388 views

Alumnol in gynecology

Poteenko V.V.


The proposed method for the treatment of diseases of the uterus, its appendages and pelvic peritoneum consists in injecting into the uterus (its cavity) a solution of alumnol'a (alumnol 2.5, iodine tincture and purified alcohol 25.0 each). The idea of such a method of treatment, like very much in modern medicine, is not new, for example, for a very long time, for endometritis, injections into the uterine cavity of iodine tincture, an aqueous solution of zinc chloride, etc. have been used. The use of alumnol for this purpose is of a very recent origin.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):389-402
pages 389-402 views

On the question of the treatment of uterine blood tumors

Egorov G.N.


The abdominal cavity is, in essence, an appendage of the lymphatic system, therefore, it cannot represent a completely foreign container for the blood poured out here. Indeed, the observations of Virchow, Wintrich and others show that whole blood can remain in this cavity for a long time (several days) without undergoing clotting (Pashutin). In view of this fact, it is natural to expect, as is confirmed by experiments, that most of the blood that has entered the abdominal cavity has time to be absorbed before it begins to coagulate. If a part of it, which failed to be absorbed in time, undergoes clotting, then this does not represent any particular disturbances in the overall economy of blood, the blood clot is completely absorbed after preliminary disintegration (fat). In this sense, hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity is not life-threatening, since the blood does not disappear for the body, but soon again, almost entirely, enters the total mass of the blood vessel.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):403-417
pages 403-417 views

Medical report of the obstetric department of the clinic prof. K.F.Slaviansky for 1393

Surovtseva\ Z.G.


All those who entered in 9 3 were 550; of them were discharged before delivery 7. One was admitted with a dead child — the birth took place at home. Consequently, there were 542 that were disintegrated, which are distributed as follows.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):418-445
pages 418-445 views


Slavyanskiy K.F.


32 members were present: Antipov, Batsevich, Bukhshtab, Visten, Vertsinskiy, Danilovich, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zamshin, Kakushkin, Lileyev, Massen, Matseevskiy, Lisevich, Rad, Ott, Piotrovich, R.K. I. , Rachinskiy, Savchenko, Sadovskiy, Salmanov, Stelmakhovich, Stravinskiy, Ulezko-Stroganova, Fisher A.R., Fisher B.A., Frank, Piverdlov, Iputtenbakh and 48 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):446-454
pages 446-454 views

On the etiology and therapy of uterine cancer

Feinberg B.


In the Kezmarszk's clinic from 1882 to October 31, 1895 there were 11095 outpatients; 705 of them suffered from uterine cancer (6.35%). In 70 cases (10%), complete extirpation of the uterus was performed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):455-456
pages 455-456 views

The case of Cystadenofibromyoma cervicis, to the casuistry of adenomyomas

Feinberg B.


In the clinic of Ziegenspeck, R. found a preparation, which after microscopic examination turned out to be Cystadenofibro-tyoina.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):456
pages 456 views

A case of primary tube cancer

Feinberg B.


Investigation of a 45-year-old, married O para, behind the anteverted and attached uterus, found a tuberous, 2 elastic tumor, the size of a child's head, which filled the entire small pelvis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):456-457
pages 456-457 views

About uterine atrophy after castration

Feinberg B.


Despite the fact that the fact of atrophy of the uterus after castration has been established, the pathological changes in which this atrophy is expressed are still little known to us.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):457-458
pages 457-458 views

Sclerosis of the uterine arteries and climacteric bleeding

Feinberg B.


Opinions differ about the pathological causes of menopausal bleeding; there are no exact data in the literature. In most cases, these bleeding is linked to endometrial inflammation. In many cases, such inflammation occurs, in no fewer cases, after curettage of the uterus, a healthy mucous membrane is obtained. With such a negative result, the cause of bleeding is sought in chronic metritis, especially when the uterus is slightly enlarged. For some cases this explanation is true, for others it is not. In the latter category of cases, there is often a disease of the vessels themselves, which prevents them from contracting. Such cases, taken from private practice and the Leopold's Clinic, are being discussed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):458-460
pages 458-460 views

50 cases of complete extirpation of the uterus through the sleeve according to the Doyen-Landau method

Feinberg B.


B. explains the insignificance of the number of operations by the fact that prof. Pernice from the clinic who took these cases adheres to the following views.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):460
pages 460 views

Towards pathology and therapy of uterine retroflection

Weber F.


This article is polemical and directed against Theühaber.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):460-461
pages 460-461 views

Round vaginal ulcer

Weber F.


The round ulcer of the vagina, first described by Zahn in 1884, according to the author, is far from being as rare as it was hitherto assumed. It develops mainly in older women, and circulatory disorders due to heart disease and arteriosclerotic changes in the vessels supplying the walls of the vagina play an important etiological role.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):461
pages 461 views

Artificial expansion of the narrow pelvis

Weber F.


Frank, director of the obstetric institute in Cologne, performed in 1894 on a patient who, due to a narrow pelvis, underwent symphysiotomy and who could hardly walk due to nonunion of the pubic articulation, a secondary operation, and he refreshed the articular surfaces of the joint and inserted a piece of bone taken between them them together with a skin flap from the right horizontal branch of the pubic bone.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):461-462
pages 461-462 views

Ergotinol as a substitute for ergotine

Weber F.


Gottshalk in 1892 proposed at a gynecological congress in Brussels a new drug secalis cornuti, prepared by Dr. Vossvinkel and named ergotinol by him.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):462-463
pages 462-463 views

About vaginostricture in prolapse

Weber F.


In 1893, Freund, Jr. described a new method for uterine prolapse surgery, in which the vagina is narrowed by means of several silver wire ligatures applied in a ring-like manner under the vaginal mucosa.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):463-464
pages 463-464 views

On the postpartum fee of the uterus

Weber F.


While in the beginning it was assumed that gonococcus are exclusively parasites of the mucous membranes, recently, especially after the work of Wertheim and others, it turned out that they can develop perfectly in connective and even muscle tissue.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):464
pages 464 views

Is the development of gas in the uterus an indication for removal of this organ during labor?

Khazan S.Y.


In „Centralbl. f. Gyn. “In 1896, two cases of Caesar section were published.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):464-465
pages 464-465 views

Development stages of a child's place

Khazan S.Y.


The author cites a new observation, confirming, in his opinion, the Keilmann theory according to which not only placenta praevia in and every dancer initially develops on reflexa.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):465
pages 465 views

To the diagnosis of twin pregnancy

Khazan S.Y.


An absolutely correct diagnosis of twin pregnancy is not as easy as many people think, and this circumstance is especially evident when the doctor's course of action depends on the correct diagnosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):465-466
pages 465-466 views

Another case of air embolism with placenta braevia

Khazan S.Y.


During the production of a combined turn in order to stop bleeding due to presentation of the child's seat at the very moment when the leg was captured, the pulse and respiration immediately stopped.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):466
pages 466 views

About the existence of streptococci in the vagina of women in labor

Khazan S.Y.


If the possibility of the existence of streptococci in the vagina is recognized more and more, then there are still authors who deny this possibility.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):466-467
pages 466-467 views

Multiple and ectopic pregnancies, as well as anomalies in the development of female genital organs, are considered from the point of view of the doctrine of human origin

Khazan S.Y.


The teachings of Darwin and Haekel's, gave rise to the author's idea, whether some phenomena in the field of obstetrics, which are considered to be pathological, do not correspond only to a state characteristic of an earlier period of organic evolution.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):467-468
pages 467-468 views

Towards the anatomy and development of the human placenta

Khazan S.Y.


Pointing to the scarcity of our information about the very first stages of the development of the placenta, the scarcity depends, on the one hand, on the fact that the studied material, the products of miscarriages, in most cases has a pathological character, on the other hand, on the other a proper assessment of his age is not always possible - and prefaced by a description of seven apparently normal drugs, the author expresses the following view of the development of the placenta.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):468-469
pages 468-469 views

To the doctrine of the child's place and of the maternal membranes of the fetus

Khazan S.Y.


The first question discussed by the author concerns the direction of growth of the placenta, especially the placentae cirkumvallatae. The increase in the serotinae area depends mainly on the direction of growth of the villi and on the conditions of their nutrition. As for the direction in which the villi send their processes, theoretically, two possibilities can be assumed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):469-472
pages 469-472 views

About giant cells of serotinae and their relation to the rengeneration of epithelial elements at the placenta attachment site

Khazan S.Y.


Without resolving the dispute about the origin of the elements of syncytium and only casually mentioning that some microscopic pictures make the doctrine of the transformation of the epithelium into multinucleated syncytial masses very plausible, the author, at the instigation of his teacher, Marchand only touches on the question of the further fate of these syncytial giants cells.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):472
pages 472 views

Antistreptococcal serum

B — r. V.


The author reports 3 cases of the use of antistreptococcal serum: in one 3-month-old child who suffered from erysipelas, in a woman with pharyngeal lesions (ang.pseudomembran, streptococci and in a puerperal woman in puerperal infection.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):473
pages 473 views

Treatment of 2 cases of cancer with serum. Recovery

B — r V.


Last year on the pages of Dtscbe med. Wochenschr. there was a heated debate about the treatment of cancers with erysipelas between professors such as Bruns, Emmerich, Petersen, and others; accidental or artificially grafted erysipelas is known to have beneficial effects on cancer.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):473-474
pages 473-474 views

Vaginal diphtheria. Serum treatment. Recovery

B — r V.


The author reported a case where in a second woman, 22 years old, on the 3rd day after childbirth, t ° rose to 39.5 °.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):474
pages 474 views

A case of putrefaction cured by antistreptococcal serum

B — r V.


A woman in labor who contracted a puerperal infection, on the 5th day after giving birth, received subcutaneous (sub cutim) in the morning of 30 k. From. anti-chain serum Boger'a and Charrin'a in the evening another 20 to. page; the next day in the morning 20 k., - in the evening 15 k. from.; with the further use of such injections, there was an improvement in the general condition and local phenomena; and on the 11th day the patient could already leave the bed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):474
pages 474 views

I. A Case of Carcinoma of the Uterus Complicated hy Pregnancy II. Cancer of the Cervix, complicated with Pregnancy III. Cancer of the Uterus, complicated with Pregnancy; Indication for operation

Ginzburg M.


29-year-old, giving birth 2 times; from a family in which there was neither cancer nor tuberculosis. The first childbirth of P / a was a stillborn child a year ago, during childbirth the cervix was ruptured, but sutured. Sometimes she had pain and blood; but despite this, the 2nd pregnancy came; the second birth lasted 5 days, the baby is dead.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):475-476
pages 475-476 views

I. Sabcutaneous Emphysema, occu- ring during Labour II. Idem

Ginzburg M.


Dr. Fr. was invited to 1 woman in labor at 6 am, December 1, 1895. During the period of opening, the contractions were very strong, the woman in labor was very strained, holding her breath. An hour before the birth of the child, the face of the woman in labor was swollen, became tense; but she covered herself with a handkerchief and lay still and d-r Fr. did not pay attention to the said phenomenon.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):476-477
pages 476-477 views

I. А Case of puerperal Thrombosis; Hysterectomy, Recovery II. Report of a Case of Hysterectomy for acute Puerperal Sepsis, With Recovery III. about the same

Ginzburg M.


In December 1894 prof. Baldy reported to the Philadelphia Medical Society 5 cases of the named operation performed by him and various other members of the society; in May 1895 the number of these operations increased to 19 with seven recoveries. B refers to prof. LwsFa, who calls this operation a future-proof operation, considering it especially useful in early diagnosis and production. Baldy gives a new case of her, here are the details.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):477-479
pages 477-479 views

About rotropritoneal care of the leg and the use of elastic constriction in myomotomies

Fintiktikov A.


Briefly, the case histories of 44 myomotomized according to the method introduced by prof. Cuzzi since 1890, A. indicates a significant simplification achieved when applying this method. The operation is performed as follows: an incision of the abdomen and peritoneum of the corresponding size is made; the uterus is freed from adhesions and, in its supravaginal part, is pulled over by a well-disinfected thin Nelaton catheter, the ends of which are folded crosswise and sutured with silk; the uterus is amputated an inch above the constriction; the stump is closed only by the peritoneum surrounding it, and finally, after the toilet, the abdominal wound is sutured.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):479-481
pages 479-481 views

About fatty degeneration of the uterus during pregnancy

Fintiktikov A.


It is known that after childbirth, the muscle fibers of the uterus undergo fatty degeneration, but no one has yet noticed that this process begins already during or at least in the last months of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):481-482
pages 481-482 views

To the doctrine of uterine innervation

Fintiktikov A.


On the basis of studies carried out on the uterus of people, dogs, cats and rabbits, A. comes to the following conclusions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):482
pages 482 views

About a new feature in the technique of local anesthesia with cocaine

Fintiktikov A.


On the basis of numerous experiments A. was able to prove that when injecting solutions of cocaine heated to t ° 50-55 ° C., the following advantages are obtained.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(4):482-483
pages 482-483 views

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