Vol 53, No 3 (2004)

Original Research

New approach to pre-natal preparation based on biofeedback use

Osepashvili M.N., Ailamazyan E.K., Abramchenko V.V., Spivak D.L.


Institute for the human brain RAS, Saint- Petersburg, Russia (head of laboratory of thought and consciousness academician N.P. Bekhtereva).

The authors propose a program of pre-natal psycho physiologic preparation that is based on non-medicine biofeedback (BFB) method. The method is physiologic as it is based on activization of reserve possibilities of the organism.

The objective of the preparation is to assist in good progress of pregnancy and delivery and in good development of a fetus.

The essence of the method is that a patient is trained in controlling and changing the trend of disordered physiologic function that influences the patient's condition and the progress of pregnancy (respiration, muscle and vascular tonus, psycho emotional condition).

The principle procedures are as follows:

  1. Training in controlling the cardio-respiratory system with the help of RSA-BFB (biofeedback for respiratory sinus arrhythmia).
  2. Correction of the patient's psycho emotional condition with the help of EEG-BFB.
  3. Training in controlling muscle activity with the help of EMG-BFB.

After the course of pre-natal psycho physiologic preparation not only do the expectant mothers gain a general impression of how the delivery goes on, but they also acquire the practical habits to behave during delivery. It is very good that they feel less fear of delivery, less fear for their infant's life and health in comparison with the control group. The authors' studies have shown that the frequency of premature and delayed births is decreased by more than 1,5 times in comparison with the control group, usage of medicinal stimulation of delivery, analgesic and spasmolitic medicaments decreased, the quantity of injuries of soft birth throes decreased two times.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):5-10
pages 5-10 views

The alteration of serum protein sensibility to oxidation at pregnancy

Burmistrov O.S., Oparina T.I., Arutjunyan А.V.


The article presents data on the protein peroxidation products (PPP) serum contents alteration at pregnancy. PPP are produced under the influence of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The level of PPP during spontaneous oxidation slightly decreased in serum from pregnant women. However, the PPP content was significantly elevated under the influence of Fe2+-ions and H2O2 at pregnancy. The data obtained testify to serum proteins being more sensitive to oxidation by ROS at pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):11-13
pages 11-13 views

Characteristics functional activity of platelets in newborn with intrauterin growth retardation

Tretyakova М.B., Oparina T.I., Fomenko B.А.


The results of study have shown that at children with the symmetric and heavy asymmetric form of intra-uterine growth retardation functional activity platelet is increased. The level of the amplitude aggregation is higher as the higher the value of the degree of developmental lag of formation of posetonic and reflex reactions of the CNS. Change of functional activity of platelets plays a role in genesis neurological infringements at children in early neonatal period of life.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Peculiarities of hemodynamics and activity of myocardial isoenzyme of creatine kinase in neonates with intrauterine growth retardation

Andreeva A.A., Dodkhoev D.S., Dodkhoev D.S.


It was investigated the hemodynamic condition and activity of myocardial band of creatine kinase (CK.-MB) in neonates with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). It was determined that neonates with grave condition of IUGR had echocardiography characters of heart failure and it was associated with high activity of CK.-MB. It was identified the neces-sity of meticulous examination of cardiovascular system of the same neonates for the early detection pathology and early treatment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):18-22
pages 18-22 views

Antimicrobial action of «instillagel» on the female genital tract microorganisms

Savicheva A.М., Bashmakova М.A., Zatsiorskaya S.L., Novikova L.N., Martikainen Z.M., Rybina E.V.


The influence of instillagel on microorganism strains (bacterial, yeast-like fungi, genital mycoplasma) isolated from women's genitalia was studied. The preparation exerts bactericidal, fungicidal and mycoplasmacidal action on the studied microorganisms. The use of instillagel for the treatment of 32 patients resulted in a complete clinical and microbiological recovery. Thus, this preparation can be used as one of additional means in the treatment of vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, bacterial vaginosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):23-27
pages 23-27 views


Papillomaviral infection: risk factors of cervical neoplastic progression

Shipitsyna Е.V., Babkina K.A., Orzheskovskaya Е.А., Savicheva А.M.


Human papillomavirus (HPV) plays the important role in the etiology of the cervical cancer. Considering that the cancer is very rare consequence of HPV-infection and even the high-grade lesions may spontaneously regress, search for the factors capable of predicting disease progression is of great significance. In the present review results of researches into risk factors of developing cervical cancer are summarized. Some virus-associated factors, such as infection with oncogenic types and variants of human papillomavirus, viral load, integration of viral DNA into cell genome, as well as host factors - polymorphism of p53 gene encoding a key apoptotic protein, loss of heterozygosity, tumor suppressor genes hypermethylation - are analyzed in terms of their prognostic value.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):34-41
pages 34-41 views

History of medicine

On the history of higher medical education for women in Russia

Kalchenko A.P., Abashin V.G., Tsvelev Y.V.


The history of women's medical education and the use of women's labor in the public service in Russia is essentially a history of women's struggle for equality, the opportunity to receive education and access to skilled labor. Education was seen as a guarantee of participation in the expected reform of society, as a form of emancipation and the conquest of civil rights.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):55-59
pages 55-59 views


Anniversary of Professor Dina Fyodorovna Kostyuchek


In June 2004, the medical community of St. Petersburg celebrated the anniversary of medical, scientific and pedagogical activity by the head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology No. 1 of the Faculty of Medicine of the St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov, one of the leading obstetricians and gynecologists of our country, Doctor of Medicine, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Kostyuchek Dina Fedorovna.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):1-2
pages 1-2 views

Book Review

E.K. Ailamazyan, S.A. Markin. “White Pages of Practical Obstetrics. A guide for doctors. Neurology. Narcology. Psychiatry". - M .: Medizdat, 2003 .- 343 p.

Tsvelev Y.V., Bezhenar V.F.


Describing in the first part the principles of differential diagnosis of preeclampsia, the authors focus the reader's attention on the variety of possible causes of severe hypertension (more than 160/110 mm Hg) during pregnancy and present a program for differential diagnosis. At the same time, theoretical concepts of the pathogenesis of severe hypertension that develop after the first 20 weeks of pregnancy in connection with hereditary chronic hypertension, kidney disease, renovascular hypertension, primary aldosteronism and other conditions that must always be considered when hypertension occurs in a pregnant woman are convincingly substantiated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):52-54
pages 52-54 views


Pharmacological another problems of medical genetic consulting during pregnanc

Vakharlovsky V.G., Kosheleva N.G., Aylamazyan Е.K., Baranov V.S.


The review of original and literature data dealing with case-reports of women, who used pharmacological reagents during pregnancies. Critical analysis of these data prooves the becessity of strictly individual approach for each woman. Personal recommendation of genetical councellor should be consider the biochemical mechanisms of the drug action,date of pregnancy doses an d duration of consumpyion. The inefficiency and general useless of invasive prenatal karyotyping of the fetus subjected to teratogenic agents are stressed. While repeated (dynamic) ultrasound examinations remains as a single feasible mean to estimate adverse effect of the drug during pregnanacy. Commercially available computerasid programms of teratogenic agents do not exclude routine medical- genetic councelling with subcequent invasive prenatal diagnosis because of the reasons not concerned with drug consumption.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):28-33
pages 28-33 views


Moral and ethical problems of embryology and perinatal medicine. Doctor's view

Kharchenko T.V., Murzakmatov M.A.


The article discusses a number of moral and ethical issues associated with scientific and clinical research of human embryos. The revolutionary development of new medical technologies associated with human birth and the prospects for transplantation of embryonic cells give rise to many complex questions of a moral, ethical and legal nature.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):42-46
pages 42-46 views

The attitude of doctors and the population to the problem of abortion and the status of the embryo

Filimonov S.V., Mikirtichan G.L.


The article is devoted to the study of the views of doctors and the population of St. Petersburg on the problem of the status of the embryo and abortion, depending on various religious views and moral and ethical views.

Many countries have now passed abortion laws. The most liberal law exists in Russia.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2004;53(3):47-51
pages 47-51 views

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