Vol 11, No 7-8 (1897)


Anatomy and treatment of extrauterine pregnancy

Maslovsky V.O.


The case of an extrauterine pregnancy, which will serve as the subject of this study, seems to be very interesting from some sides.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):745-755
pages 745-755 views

The case of a conservative cessarsky judgment with a favorable outcome for the mother and child

Mandelstam I.G.


The case of caesar's reduction described below deserves special attention in view of the rare form of pelvic irregularity, which gave rise to the production of the operation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):756-762
pages 756-762 views

Acute intestinal obstruction due to ovarian cyst

Shalit S.G.


At the present time, as is known, there are three groups of intestinal obstruction (Tillmans and others).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):763-771
pages 763-771 views

Defects in the development of the female genital apparatus, as indicated for surgical intervention

Sachs G.G.


The irregularities of embryonic development are of high scientific interest for a naturalist in general, and for a doctor in particular.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):772-779
pages 772-779 views

Report on the Gynecological Department of the Petropavlovsk Hospital for 1896

Dobert Ѳ.A.


The fact that at the present time diseases of the uterine appendages are more often recognized, can only be partially explained by the large prevalence of them.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):780-802
pages 780-802 views

Meeting of the obstetric and gynecological society in kiev No. 79. Emergency appointment January 9, 1896

Rein G.E.


It was chaired by prof. G.E. Rein.
Attended by: D. A. Abuladze, V. N. Gogotskiy, E. G. Gurin, V. P. Zhemchuzhnikov, P. Yu. Krol, G. G. Levitsikiy, N. K. Neelov, prof. A. D. Pavlovskiy, G. F. Pisemskiy, K. N. Podrazan, A. A. Redlikh, N. V. Untilov, N. V. Ipuvarskiy and A. P. Yakhontov.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):803-804
pages 803-804 views

The address presented to Academician A. Ya. Krassovsky on the day of the 25th anniversary of his ministry in St. Petersburg Obstetrician Department of Obstetric and Gynecological Society in Kiev


The Obstetric and Gynecological Society in Kiev, which is affiliated with the Imperial University of St. Vladimir, sends its Honorary Member, the Distinguished Anniversary, warm greetings, low bows and heartfelt congratulations.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):805-808
pages 805-808 views

Protocols Meeting of the obstetric and gynecological society in Kiev. No. 80 January 31, 1896

Malinovskiy L.A.


The chair was professor L.A. Malinovskiy.
Attended by: D. A. Abuladze, M. A. Voskresensky, M. F. Voznesensky. V.N. Gogotskiy, E.G. Gurin, N.M. Zvinyatskiy, K.K. Kegler. G.G. Levitskiy, N.K. Neelov, G.F. Pisemskiy, S.V. Petrikovskiy. A. A. Redlikh, N. V. Untilov, N. V. Shuvarsky, A. P. Yakhontov and 140 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):809-815
pages 809-815 views

Protocols Meeting of the obstetric and gynecological society in Kiev № 81. February 27, 1896

Rein G.E.


Attended; D. A. Abuladze, G. G. Bruno, D. A. Vorobyov, M. A. Voskresensky, Yu. A. Gizhytsky, V. N. Gogotsky, V. P. Zhemchuzhnikov, N. M. Zvinyatsky K. K . Kegler, E. K. Kontrebinskiy, N. I. Maryanchin, L. A. Malinovskiy, N. K. Neelov, P. T. Neishtube, S. V Petrikovskiy, G. F. Pisemskiy, A. A. Redlikh, S. A. Tulub, N. V. Untilov, N. V. Shuvarsky, E. F. Funke and 125 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):816-825
pages 816-825 views

Protocols Meeting of the obstetric and gynecological society in Kiev No. 82. March 13, 1896

Malinovskiy L.A.


It was chaired by prof. L.A. Malinovskiy.
Present: D. A. Abuladze, D. A. Vorobyov. M. Ѳ. Voznesenskiy, Yu.A. Gizhytskiy, N.S. Grzhibovskiy, V.P. Zhemchuzhnikov, N.M. Zvinyatskiy, K.K. Kegler, G.G. Levitskiy, N.P. Maryanchik, P.T. S. V. Petrikovskiy, G. F. Pisemskiy, N. N. Podrazan, A. A. Redlikh, S. A. Tulub, N. V. Untilov, A. P. Yakhontov and 55 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):826-834
pages 826-834 views

Protocols Meeting of the obstetric and gynecological society in kiev No. 83. April 25, 1896

Rein G.E., Ott D.O.


Was chaired by the beginning of the appointment of prof. G.E. Rein, and then prof. D.O. Ott.
Present: D. A. Abuladze, M. F. Voznesenskiy. D. A. Vorobiev M. A. Voskresenskiy, E. G. Gurin, Yu. A. Gizhytskiy N. P. Dyakonenko V. P. Zhemchuzhnikov, D. A. Karra, K. K. Kegler, P. Yu. Krol , G. G. Levitsky, L. A. Malinovskiy, N. P. Maryanchik, N. K. Neyolov, P. T. Neishtube, V. P. Obraztsov, A. D. Pavlovskiy, G. F. Pisemskiy, N N. Podrѣzan, A. A. Redlikh, F. A. Savin, S. A. Tulub, N. V. Untinov, N. V. Shuvarsky, A. P. Yakhontov, E. F. Funke and 150 guests, in number of which many members of the I Congress of Russian Doctors were present in memory of N.I. Pirogov.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):835-846
pages 835-846 views

A case of tubal pregnancy

Andriyashev K.


A description of the actual pathological and anatomical preparation obtained from the autopsy of the corpse of a 20-year-old woman who died at 5 months of pregnancy with signs of internal bleeding.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):847-847
pages 847-847 views

Four cases of polyneuritis puerperalis gravigarum1) 28 лѣтъ. Беременность (2-ая) прорвана на 2 мѣсяцѣ по причинѣ неукротимой рвоты. Примѣнено выскабливаніе. Никакихъ воспалительныхъ осложненій. Къ концу 2 недѣли послѣ выкидыша—боли въ икрахъ и голеняхъ, затѣмъ явленія полупаралича и атрофіи мышцъ. Выздоровленіе съ помощью массажа и ваннъ въ теченіе 3 мѣсяцевъ.

Vygodskiy Y.E.


1) 28 years old. Pregnancy (2nd) is broken by 2 months due to the reasons of indomitable vomiting. Scraping applied. No inflammatory complications. By the end of 2 weeks after a miscarriage, pain in the calves and legs, overshadowing the phenomenon of semi-paralysis and muscle atrophy. Recover with the help of massage and baths within 3 months.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):847-848
pages 847-848 views

The case of uterus didelphys et vaginasepta completa

Blokh I.M.


Duct. I. Vilensk. Honey. Common September 12, 1896. P. 139) Patient 28 years old, from a healthy family, complains of infertility.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):848-848
pages 848-848 views

The volume of operative treatment of uterine prolapse

Shakh-Paronants S.P.


(Medical. Collection of I. Kavkazsk. Medical Society No. 59. Tiflis 1896, p. 89).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):848-849
pages 848-849 views

On the question of adenomyomas of the uterus

Ivanov N.S.


(Jury. R. General. Protection. Nar. Health. 1897, April, No. 4, p. 276).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):849-849
pages 849-849 views

Clauses about postnatal eclampsia

Maryannik N.P.


(Medical Review 1897 February p. 203).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):849-850
pages 849-850 views

Extrauterine (peritoneal) pregnancy. Charevosuchenie. Removal of a dead fetus. Recovery

Eberlin A.


(Medical Review 1897, February, p. 215).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):850-851
pages 850-851 views

Therapeutic use of steam for endometritis of the postpartum period

Kan E.T.


(Protok. I. Vilensk. Med. General. September 12, 1896, p. 155).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):851-851
pages 851-851 views

For the study of the removal of tumors of the uterine appendages through the vagina

Soloviev A.N.


(Surgery 1897 No. 2, p. 123).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):851-852
pages 851-852 views

A case of erythema in the postpartum period

Lipinskiy S.A.


(Protocols of ambushes. General doctors of Mogilev province. For 1894 and 1895 Mogilev on Dnipro. 1896, p. 79).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):852-852
pages 852-852 views

Pathology and therapy of pruritus vulvae

Nemirovskiy B.I.


(Yezhenednik, 1897 No. 4, p. 53).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):852-853
pages 852-853 views

Haematocele retrouterinum intraperitoneale post graviditatem tubariam and its treatment

Kalinovskiy K.Y.


(Weekly 1896, No. 46, p. 633).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):853-853
pages 853-853 views

A rare case of an acquired vaginal overgrowth

Popov D.D.


Hospital Gas. Botkin, 1897 No. 11 and 12).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):853-853
pages 853-853 views


Pel A.V.


(Journal of Medicine. Chemistry and Pharmacy. December 1896, p. 769).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):853-854
pages 853-854 views

About the delay of the fetal membranes in the therapeutic relationship

Mikhnov S.D.


(Botkin's Hospital Gazette. 1897, No. 7-15).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):854-855
pages 854-855 views

To the treatment of ovarian substance of painful phenomena of natural and premature termination of the month

Landau L.


(Journal. Medicine. Chemistry and Pharmacy December 1896. p. 747).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):855-855
pages 855-855 views

Intra-uterine method of complete destruction of the uterus by womb

Fedorov S.P.


(Surgery. 1897, No. 2, p. 134).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):855-856
pages 855-856 views

On the issue of extrauterine pregnancy

Bobrov V.


(Surgery. 1897. No. I. p. 64).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):856-856
pages 856-856 views

The case of fistuloe vagino (sulvo) - perineo — rectalis post coitum

Galbreikh N.A.


(Medical. Notes - 1897. Nos. 2 and 3).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):856-857
pages 856-857 views

About fluctuations in the size of conjugatae diagonalis in the pelvis of parturient and parturient women with different inclination of the pelvis and trunk

Anufriev A.A.


(Medical Notes. 1897, No. 2 and 3).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):857-857
pages 857-857 views

A case of gallbladder skidding with twins

Lutokhin M.


(Medical Notes. 1897. No. 2 and 3).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):857-857
pages 857-857 views

Medical report of the maternity hospital of the Golitsyn hospital in Moscow for 1895

Inoev K.


(Medical report. Moscow Golitsinsky Hospital for 1895. Moscow. 1896. Page 1).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):858-858
pages 858-858 views

Influence of early marriages on women and children born by them

Kiselev N.S.


(Vѣsti. General. Gig., Court. Practice. Medicine, 1897, February).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):858-859
pages 858-859 views

Average Russian obstetric results for fifty years

Mikhailov V.


(St. Petersburg dissertation. Novgorod 1895).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):859-860
pages 859-860 views

To the question of the essence of ecclesiastical

Shmukler I.K.


(Ezhened96nik, 1896, No. 21, p. 313).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):860-860
pages 860-860 views

Elastic tissue in the fallopian tubes of women in normal and pathological conditions

Vukhshtab A.


(Diss. SPb. 1896).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):860-861
pages 860-861 views

Report on patients with female diseases for 1895 of the Moscow Golitsyn Hospital

Eburlin A.


(Medical department of the Moscow Golitsinsky hospital for 1895, Moscow, 1896, p. 79)

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):861-861
pages 861-861 views

A case of false myxoma of the peritoneum

Meleshko R.


(Medical Review 1896 No. 15, p. 204).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):862-862
pages 862-862 views

Report on the activity of the maternity ward at the general hospital Kremenchug doctors for 1894 and 1895

Kudish G.


(Head of the hospital, maternity ward, diagnostic room of General Kremenchug doctors for 1894 and 1895, Kremenchug 1896 p. 57).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):862-863
pages 862-863 views

A case of indomitable vomiting of a pregnant woman

Petrokovskiy S.V.


(Proceedings of the Society of Kiev Doctors, ed. 1896, volume I, issue 4).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):863-863
pages 863-863 views

About the cure of postpartum fever rubbed in with mercury ointment

Ivanov A.I.


(Proceedings of the Society of Kiev Doctors, ed. 1896, volume I, issue 4).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):863-864
pages 863-864 views

Seven celiac and two cases of removal of fibroids through the vagina

Sobustianskiy E.M.


(Protocol of the appointment of the Imperial Caucasian Medical Society, 1897, No. 18).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):864-864
pages 864-864 views

Two cases of the Doyen-Landau operation with an unfavorable outcome

Varnek L.N.


(Medical notes, 1897, No. 8 and 9).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):864-865
pages 864-865 views

A case of artificial premature birth with a generally constricted pelvis

Savanevskiy V.O.


(Medical Review, 1897, April).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):865-866
pages 865-866 views

On the issue of the general and local action of mud baths (Lake Tambukan) of various strengths for female diseases

Libov B.A.


(Doctor, 1896, No. 51).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):866-866
pages 866-866 views

Closure of the uterus to the vagina and bladder during its drooping and tilting and bending back

Kholmogorov S.S.


(Doctor, 1897, No. 2).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):866-867
pages 866-867 views

Caesar reduction with an unconditional contraction of the pelvis, with a favorable outcome for the mother and fetus

Lvov I.M.


(Doctor, 1897, No. 2)

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):867-867
pages 867-867 views

Transfusional disease of female genital parts and its influence on the dispatch of these organs and the general condition of patients

Lebedev A.I.


(Doctor; 1897, No. 3).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):867-869
pages 867-869 views

K casuistry of pregnancy and childbirth with vicious development of the genital parts. (Double-lumen uterus. Split vagina. Integrity of the hymen

Surovtsov G.


(Doctor, 1897, No. 3).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):869-869
pages 869-869 views

The case of a ring-shaped narrowing of the sleeve in the lower third of its after birth

Orlov A.I.


(Doctor, 1897, No. 5 and 7).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):869-870
pages 869-870 views

Objectives of midwifery teaching

Kholmogorov S.S.


(Doctor, 1897, No. 9).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):870-870
pages 870-870 views

K casuisticѣ destructive bladder skid (mola hydatitosa destruens)

Fratkin V.A.


(Doctor, 1897, No. 12).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):870-872
pages 870-872 views

Rupture of the longon articulation during childbirth

Kholmogorov S.S.


(Doctor, 1897, No. 12).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):872-873
pages 872-873 views

To the question of the treatment of infertility

Fuchs G.M.


(Protocols and works of the society of Kherson doctors, 1895-96, published in 1897).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):873-873
pages 873-873 views

Colporrhexis sub partu

Totesh S.D.


(Protocols and works of the society of Kherson doctors, 1895-96, published in 1897).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):873-874
pages 873-874 views

Forensic case of prolapse of the mucous membrane of the urethra

Yurasovskiy I.K.


(Bulletin of public hygiene, forensic and practical medicine, 1897, April).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):874-875
pages 874-875 views

The volume of obstetrics among the Trans-Baikal foreigners in connection with some features of their life

Kirillov N.


(Bulletin of public hygiene, forensic and practical medicine, 1897, April).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):876-877
pages 876-877 views

А Monsieur le prof. Dmitri de Ott a St. Petersbourg


Moscou le J-er Sept. 1897.

Mon cher ami,

Il’est, à mon avis, fort regrettable qu’aucun de ceux qui en avaient le devoir, n’a pas, dans deux circonstances solemnelles a St. Petersbourg, pris la parole au nom des medecins etrangers pour remercier non seulement les municipalitѐs et les médecins de Moscou et de St. Petersbourg, mais la nation russe toute entiere pour l'accoeuil plus qu’amical, fraternel, que nous médecins etrangers, nous avons reçu partout dans votre noble patrie.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):878-880
pages 878-880 views

Cases of severe seizures with cervical endometritis with rupture of it. Evaluation by operative way

Abrazhanov A.A.


(From the Yuryuzan factory hospital)

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):881-884
pages 881-884 views

Cases of hostile absence of the uterus

Bulilovskiy V.


The female reproductive apparatus is formed from the Müllerian ducts, which at the first time of embryonic life are corroded and run longitudinally, and then after 8-10 weeks of her, they merge in tѣhѣ mѣstakh, which are intended for the formation of the uterus and vagina, and the parts that go to the flesh for the formation remain separate.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(7-8):885-886
pages 885-886 views

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