Four cases of polyneuritis puerperalis gravigarum1) 28 лѣтъ. Беременность (2-ая) прорвана на 2 мѣсяцѣ по причинѣ неукротимой рвоты. Примѣнено выскабливаніе. Никакихъ воспалительныхъ осложненій. Къ концу 2 недѣли послѣ выкидыша—боли въ икрахъ и голеняхъ, затѣмъ явленія полупаралича и атрофіи мышцъ. Выздоровленіе съ помощью массажа и ваннъ въ теченіе 3 мѣсяцевъ.

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1) 28 years old. Pregnancy (2nd) is broken by 2 months due to the reasons of indomitable vomiting. Scraping applied. No inflammatory complications. By the end of 2 weeks after a miscarriage, pain in the calves and legs, overshadowing the phenomenon of semi-paralysis and muscle atrophy. Recover with the help of massage and baths within 3 months.

About the authors

Ya. E. Vygodskiy

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


Copyright (c) 1897 Vygodskiy Y.E.

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