Vol 62, No 3 (2013)


Maternal mortality owing to eclampsia: what may do teach?

Aylamazyan E.K., Repina M.A.


The present study reported about maternal mortality from eclampsia in the two periods: 1966–1984 and 1996–2012 in Saint-Petersburg. Discussion questions: 1) underlying diseases as induction pre-eclampsia, eclampsia, 2) detection correct time for delivery, 3) detection correct method of delivery.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):3-8
pages 3-8 views

The role of dietotherapy in prevention of a diabetic fetopathy at women with gestational diabetes mellitus

Arbatskaya N.Y., Ignatova N.G., Moldovanova M.V., Melnikova E.P., Kandalina V.V.


The Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is the disease, being characterized a hyperglycemia for the first time revealed during pregnancy. The main method of GDM treatment is diet. During our research we compared efficiency of different recommendations about a diet therapy in prevention of macrosomia, the birth with large gestation age (LGA) and other diabetic fetopathy (DF) manifestations. Our results showed that a diet with a low and medium glycemic index of products, a fractional food taking into account physiological secretion of insulin and insulinoresistance during pregnancy allows to achieve a target values of glucose from pregnant women with GDM, decrease the frequency of purpose of insulin therapy because of pre-natal manifestations of DF, decrease the risk of macrosomia development and frequency of cesarean section in connection with the LGA a fetus.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):9-15
pages 9-15 views

Psychological care in a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of reproductive health

Bloch M.E., Dobryakov I.V.


The problem of complex medical and psychological interaction in addressing reproductive health. The groups of patients in need of psychological and psychiatric help, the main tasks of the psychologist working with them.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):16-19
pages 16-19 views

The main results and a current state of the program of the combined prenatal screening of 1 trimester in the Russian Federation

Zhuchenko L.A., Andreeva E.N., Lagkuyeva F.K., Otaryan K.K., Odegova N.O., Stepnova S.V., Yudina E.V., Kalashnikova E.A.


Prenatal diagnostics of anatomic and chromosomal defects at future child is represents high-allowing technology in system of obstetric monitoring behind the course of pregnancy and a condition of a fruit. Carrying out reform of system of prenatal screening in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation within transition to the international standard of diagnostics to early terms of the pregnancy which is carried out with support of the Government, demands regular audit. The analysis of the first results innovative for the country of mass combined PS of 1 trimester is carried out with use of the uniform software, allowing to calculate individual risk of frequent chromosomal aneuploidiya at a fruit on biochemical and ultrasonic markers only on condition of existence of personal competence of the ultrasonographer.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):20-25
pages 20-25 views

Diskussionnye voprosy vedeniya zhenshchin s antifosfolipidnymi antitelami pri primenenii VRT

Mirashvili M.I., Zainulina M.S., Selkov S.A., Gzgzyan A.M.


There are many controversies in the management antiphospholipid antibodies-positive women undergoing assisted reproductive technologies. Controversial and important is not only the effect of antiphospholipid antibodies (APA) on the success of IVF, but also approaches to the management of this group of women. The aim of this work was to study the prevalence of antiphospholipid antibodies in women with 3 or more IVF failures and effectiveness of IVF in women with APA treatment with membrane plasmapheresis before IVF and intravenous immunoglobulin during IVF. In women with 3 or more IVF implantation failure APA were detected in 35.95 % of cases. The use of intravenous immunoglobulin along with the standard therapy is a safe and effective for improvement of IVF outcomes in women with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) or the presence of APA. The most effective is a combination of the membrane plasmapheresis therapy before IVF and intravenous immunoglobulin during IVF standard therapy including LMWH and low-dose aspirin in IVF protocol. This therapy in patients with the presence of APA increases the pregnancy rate after IVF to 46.15 %.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):26-33
pages 26-33 views

High perinatal risk in two ethnic groups during pregnancy: associations with the state of the system «Lipid Peroxidation-Antioxidant Defense»

Kolesnikova L.I., Darenskaya M.A., Grebenkina L.A., Protopopova N.V., Dolgikh M.I.


The high perinatal risk in Buryat and Russian ethnic groups during pregnancy has been studied. In the pregnant Russian women compared to thosw of the Buryat ethnic group, the following risk factors prevailed: more than 3 abortions in history, cystic changes in the ovaries, essential arterial hypertension in relatives, premature birth. It has been found that activation of lipid peroxidation in the pregnant Buryat women is associated with the increased total antioxidant, α-tocopherol and SOD activities in blood.. In the pregnant Russian women components of antioxidant defense system. The decrease slightly, while lipid peroxdation products increase comparison of the lipid peroxidation components of in the two ethnic groups showed an increase in the lipid peroxidation products and retinol in the pregnant Russian women during all trimesters of pregnancy. It may be concluded that the risk factors create unfavorable conditions for changes in the lipid peroxidation-antioxidant defense system, which determines the development of many complications of pregnancy and child birth.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):34-39
pages 34-39 views


Kucherenko M.A.


The provision of clear guidelines on the application of antibacterial drugs in pregnancy leads to a significant reduction of the risk of infection of mother and fetus, of the development of toxic and allergic reactions, as well as to the containment of the formation and spread of antibiotic resistant strains of microorganisms.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):40-43
pages 40-43 views

The role of the family-oriented technologies in perinatal medicine within Ural Federal District

Malgina G.B., Shihova E.P., Zhukova I.F.


The audit was conducted among leading perinatal centers of the Urals Federal District (UFD) and included department heads, doctors and patients — some by personal interview, others by written questionnaires. We found that in the perinatal centers there is virtually no organized work to prepare pregnant women for childbirth. The percentage of partnership-supported labors varies from 0 to 48.5 % (in two centers partner-supported labors do not take place at all). In most institutions partner-supported childbirth rate does not exceed 10–12 %, although the technology is available and free. Rooming-in mothers and term infants implemented everywhere, but mothers and preterm infants are often separated. Thus, it is necessary to continue the implementation of perinatal practices, namely, family-oriented technology which should be an essential indicator parameters of perinatal audit in the leading perinatal centers in the Urals Federal District.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Significance of social and reproductive factors in mother-to child transmission of HIV

Niauri D.A., Musatova E.V., Kolobov A.V., Martirosyan M.M., Karev V.E., Zinserling V.A.


The retrospective analysis of pregnancy and delivery at 12 HIV-positive mothers who have performed mother-to-child transmission. In reference group — 11 HIV-positive women who have given birth to not-infected children. The study of placentae was done with immunohistochemical methods. For placentae of the infected children decrease of expression of CD31 and CD68 and increase of expression of TGF-в1 was typical. Leading factor in transmission of HIV is absence of ARVT.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):50-57
pages 50-57 views

Pathogenetic approach to the pregnancy management in severe alloimmunization

Pavlova N.G., Nagorneva S.V., Shelayeva E.V.


The article presented the algorithm of the red-cell alloimmunization management during pregnancy based on the long-standing experience. Prognostic importance of the immunohaematological, ultrasonic biometrical and dopplerometrical markers in severe alloimmunization diagnostics are discussed. Indications, complications and perinatal outcomes in the pations treated by intrauterine blood transfusions are observed
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):58-64
pages 58-64 views

The role of progestogens in obstetrics practice

Repina M.A., Bobrov S.A.


Objective: in this paper reviews the evidence for safety and efficacy of use of any progestogens in each of these indications. Progestogens may be use for the prevention of preterm labour, but not only for therapy spontaneous abortion.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):65-69
pages 65-69 views

Perinatal infections in the Russian Federation. Screening strategies: problems and prospectives

Savicheva A.M.


The article describes principal problems of the diagnosis and prevention of perinatal infections in the Russian Federation. Data on the prevalence of infectious diseases in pregnant women, the ways of transmission of infection from mother to fetus and newborn infant, as well as adverse effects are discussed. Possible ways of solving the current problems are suggested, such as the development of standards and algorithms of diagnosis and prevention of infections during pregnancy planning and early pregnancy terms.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):70-76
pages 70-76 views

Efficacy of the different modes of insulin therapy in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Potin V.V., Borovik N.V., Tiselko A.V.


The article describes the principles of using the insulin pump therapy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus during pregnancy. There were obtained data about the state of the carbohydrate metabolism in pregnant women with type 1 diabetes using insulin pump therapy regimen (PI) and multiple daily insulin injections, the outcomes of pregnancy and labor.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):77-82
pages 77-82 views


Tral T.G., Tolibova G.K., Serdiukov S.V., Polyakova V.O.


The paper is devoted to the results of histological examination of abortion material with immunohistochemical study of estrogen and progesterone expression during the early period of stilled pregnancy. It has been shown, that endogenous hormonal disorders in addition to chromosomal pathology, play an important role in the mechanisms of perinatal losses in the early stages, despite the powerful pharmacological hormonal support. Obviously, that not only the level of hormones in blood of women, but also the receptive ability of the endometrium for their realization has implications for succesful pregnancy.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2013;62(3):83-87
pages 83-87 views

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