The role of dietotherapy in prevention of a diabetic fetopathy at women with gestational diabetes mellitus

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The Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is the disease, being characterized a hyperglycemia for the first time revealed during pregnancy. The main method of GDM treatment is diet. During our research we compared efficiency of different recommendations about a diet therapy in prevention of macrosomia, the birth with large gestation age (LGA) and other diabetic fetopathy (DF) manifestations. Our results showed that a diet with a low and medium glycemic index of products, a fractional food taking into account physiological secretion of insulin and insulinoresistance during pregnancy allows to achieve a target values of glucose from pregnant women with GDM, decrease the frequency of purpose of insulin therapy because of pre-natal manifestations of DF, decrease the risk of macrosomia development and frequency of cesarean section in connection with the LGA a fetus.

About the authors

Natalia Yuryevna Arbatskaya

Еndocrinologist. Perinatal Medical Center of Moscow


Nadezhda Gennadjevna Ignatova

Clinical-diagnostic centre, City Clinical Hospital N 1


Marina Vladislavovna Moldovanova

Clinical-diagnostic centre, City Clinical Hospital N 1


Elena Petrovna Melnikova

Maternity hospital, City Clinical Hospital N 29, Moscow


Violetta Vladimirovna Kandalina

Maternity hospital, City Clinical Hospital N 29, Moscow



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Copyright (c) 2013 Arbatskaya N.Y., Ignatova N.G., Moldovanova M.V., Melnikova E.P., Kandalina V.V.

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