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Conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of a new centrally acting analgesic nefopam hydrochloride (Acupan). Included 45 patients who underwent laparoscopic surgical treatment of endometriosis of varying severity. Found that pre-emptive analgesia with nefopam and ketoprofen is more effective in patients with endometriosis, I–II severity. In patients with endometriosis stage III application ketoprofen and nefopam significantly improved the quality of postoperative analgesia and reduced the need for narcotic analgesics. In patients with severe endometriosis (IV stage), this scheme was inadequate.

About the authors

Yuriy Sergeyevich Polushin

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrica and Gynecology, RAMS

Email: polushin1@gmail.com
MD, professor, Department of anesthesiology and intensive care

Irina Vladimirovna Vartanova

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrica and Gynecology, RAMS

Email: ivartanova@mail.ru
PhD, researcher department of anaesthesiology and intensive care

Vitaliy Fedorovich Bezhenar

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrica and Gynecology, RAMS

Email: bez-vitaly@yandex.ru
MD, professor, head of department of operative gynecology

Yuriy Mikhaylovich Korostelev

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrica and Gynecology, RAMS

Email: juko_71@mail.ru
PhD, researcher department of anaesthesiology and intensive care

Irina Viktorovna Golub

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrica and Gynecology, RAMS

Email: giv09@mail.ru
PhD, researcher department of anaesthesiology and intensive care


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Copyright (c) 2012 Polushin Y.S., Vartanova I.V., Bezhenar V.F., Korostelev Y.M., Golub I.V.

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