Sensitive periods in development of endometriosis

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The hypothesis of three sensitive periods (SP) in development of common gynecological disease – external endometriosis (EM) is suggested: I – prenatal female genital system development from the stem cells (SC) of Mullerian ducts; II – uterine endometrial cells transition into mesenchymal meSC; III – endometriotic lesions implantation and growth within pelvic lining. Genetic and epigenetic drivers operative at each SP of EM are outlined and their implication for understanding EM origin and development are briefly discussed.

About the authors

Vladislav Baranov

Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology named after D.O. Ott

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6518-1207
SPIN-code: 9196-7297

PhD, Associate professor, Department of genetics and biotechnology


Russian Federation, 3, Mendeleevskaya line, Saint Petersburg, 199034


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