Predator odor induces genome instability in the mouse bone marrow cells

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Background. Long coevolution of prey and predator species of mammals creates specific mechanisms of their interaction, e. g. prey’s innate behavior aversive to the predator odor. However, little is known about genetic responses in the prey organism. We assessed genome instability of the bone marrow cells in mice affected by the cat’s odor influence, and proposed pathway of such action.

Materials and methods. CBA mouse males were exposed to volatiles from adult cat urine for 2 or 24 hours. To estimate the genetic effect, ana-telophase method of chromosome aberration analysis and comet assay were used. The level of corticosterone was also measured after the exposure for 30 or 60 minutes.

Results. The exposure to cat’s urine volatiles for 2 hours induced damage of DNA in bone marrow cells of the mouse males as was shown by the DNA comet analysis. The exposure for 24 hours elevated the frequency of chromosome aberrations in mitotically dividing cells at ana-telophase stage. No significant changes were found in the level of corticosterone in the peripheral blood.

Conclusion. We have shown that volatile chemosignals from predator’s urine induce genomic instability in bone marrow cells of a prey. The hormonal pathway of such influence is still unknown. Intraorganismic paths leading to genome damage are discussed as well as far consequences of discovered effects.

About the authors

Timofey S Glinin

St Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.

PhD student. Department of Genetics and Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Polina A Starshova

St Petersburg State University


student. Department of Genetics and Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Victoria A Shubina

St Petersburg State University


student. Department of Genetics and Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Margarita V Anisimova

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


PhD student. Department of Genetic Resources of Experimental Animals

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia

Anton A Bondarenko

St Petersburg State University


student. Department of Genetics and Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Mikhail P Moshkin

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


Dr. of Sci. Department of Genetic Resources of Experimental Animals

Russian Federation, Novosibirsk, Russia

Eugene V Daev

St Petersburg State University


Professor, Department of Genetics and Biotechnology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. (A) The total frequency of damaged cells in bone marrow of mouse CBA males with percentage of DNA in the comet tail >5%. (B) The frequency of “slightly damaged” cells with percentage of DNA in the comet tail 5-20%. (C) The frequency of “highly damaged” cells with percentage of DNA in the comet tail >20%. Variants of treatment: CU2 and CU24 - olfactory exposure with cat urine for 2 and 24 hours; C - control olfactory exposure with water; AA – acrylamide injection. The median, first and third quartiles, the minimum and the maximum values are shown (comparisons by Mann–Whitney test).

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3. Fig. 2. Total chromosome aberration frequency (Mean ± 95%SD) in dividing bone marrow cells of mouse CBA males after 24 hour treatment by volatile cat urine chemosignals. C – control treatment with water, CU24 - 24 hour exposure with cat urine volatile chemosignals, N – number of animals in group (comparisons by t-test).

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4. Fig. 3. The level of whole plasma corticosterone in mouse CBA males after treatment by volatile compounds of cat urine. C- control; CU30 and CU60 – 30 and 60 minutes exposure with cat urine volatile chemosignals respectively. The median, first and third quartiles, the minimum and the maximum values are shown (Mann–Whitney test , p > 0,1).

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Copyright (c) 2017 Glinin T.S., Starshova P.A., Shubina V.A., Anisimova M.V., Bondarenko A.A., Moshkin M.P., Daev E.V.

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