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Regeneration parameters were optimized and effective selection conditions were sorted out. Transgenic plants of Lemna minor were obtained and their status was confirmed by molecular analysis. Optimized methodology can be used for obtaining transgenic duckweed plants producing recombinant proteins and water body bioremediators.

About the authors

Sofia E Gaydukova

Centre Bioengineering RAS, Moscow, RF


Andrey L Rakitin

Centre Bioengineering RAS, Moscow, RF


Nikolay V Ravin

Centre Bioengineering RAS, Moscow, RF


Konstantin G Skryabin

Centre Bioengineering RAS, Moscow, RF


Anastasia M Kamionskaya

Centre Bioengineering RAS, Moscow, RF



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Copyright (c) 2008 Gaydukova S.E., Rakitin A.L., Ravin N.V., Skryabin K.G., Kamionskaya A.M.

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