Frequency of TCR Mutant Human Lymphocytes Depending on Genotypes by Loci of Xenobiotics Detoxication

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The results of the associative study of predisposition to an elevated somatic mutagenesis in human lymphocytes determined by the test of TCR mutant cells (CD3-CD4+phenotype) for 251 females are presented. The presence of minor alleles of polymorphic sites of CYP1A1 gene, which increase the enzyme activity, correlated with the increasing spontaneous frequency of TCR mutant cells. The analysis of gaplotypes in CYP1A1 locus (3 sites) showed that a minor gaplotype of CG sites T3801C-T606G, which had a strong effect on the parameters of somatic mutation at the frequency of around 10%, has the maximum prognostic importance relative to the studied effects.


About the authors

Lubov E Salnikova

N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS, Moscow, RF


Irina A Zamulaeva

Medical Radiological Scientific Center, Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, RF


Olesya B Belopolskaya

M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University , Moscow, RF


Tatyana I Ivanova

Medical Radiological Scientific Center, Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, RF


Galina I Kuznetsova

N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS, Moscow, RF


Alexander S Saenko

Medical Radiological Scientific Center, Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, RF


Serikbay K Abilev

N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS, Moscow, RF


Alexander V Rubanovich

N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS, Moscow, RF

Email: 119991, Moscow, Gubkin St., 3. Russia


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Copyright (c) 2010 Salnikova L.E., Zamulaeva I.A., Belopolskaya O.B., Ivanova T.I., Kuznetsova G.I., Saenko A.S., Abilev S.K., Rubanovich A.V.

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