Epigenetic regulation of Drosophila nonautonomous p-element transpositions at different temperatures of development

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In a system of Drosophila P-element activation at 25 °С and 18 °С we observed the increase of the gene conversion frequency among the offspring of parents containing nonautonomous P-elements and a chromosome with rad201G1 mutation in genome. The similar increase of conversion events in this system was shown in the experiments with mutation mei41D5. In both cases inheritance of the increased gene conversion frequency had an epigenetic character, since increased conversion was observed also among the offspring not carrying mutations rad201G1 or mei41D5.

About the authors

Julia A Ilyina

B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, RF

Email: poltoradnya@inbox.ru

Elena R Varentsova

B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, RF

Email: varen@omrb.pnpi.spb.ru

Ludmila V Kotlovanova

B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, RF

Alexander Yu Konev

B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, RF

Email: konev.alexander@gmail.com

Yuri M Khromykh

B.P. Konstantinov Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Leningrad Oblast, RF


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Copyright (c) 2009 Ilyina J.A., Varentsova E.R., Kotlovanova L.V., Konev A.Y., Khromykh Y.M.

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