The genetic structure of populations of specially protected species Androsace kozo-poljanskii ovsz. in conditions of the south at the central Russian upland using dna markers

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At the basis of DNA markers (ISSR) the state of the gene pools of ten populations (438 individuals) specially protected relict plant species Androsace kozo-poljanskii Ovsz. Seu Androsace villosa subsp. Koso-poljanskii Fed. in Southern Central Russian Upland was studied. The data demonstrated a low level of genetic heterogeneity of populations (Ish = 0,217 ± 0,011; He = 0,131 ± 0,007), as well as a slight degree of the genetic fragmentation (Фst = 0,136, Gst = 0,091), despite the strong geographical isolation. An analysis of multilocus genotypes (methods Chao1-bc and the 1st order jackknife) revealed the group with a potentially large number and low genetic combinations. There was a low correlation between the logarithms of the level of gene flow and geographic distances between populations (r = -0,276 ± 0,141), which constitutes a violation of the isolation by distance model and strengthening of the role of stabilizing selection. It has been hypothesized of preferential settling of the studied species in the past, along the river valleys. The effective population size (Ne), which calculated on the basis of index units and regression equations were in the range of 4.9-20.4 individuals.

About the authors

Edward A Snegin

Belgorod national research university

Dr.Biol.Sci., the senior lecturer, the head of department of ecology, physiology and biological evolution

Elena A Snegina

Belgorod national research university

Email: sneginа
assistant of department of ecology, physiology and biological evolution

Tatiana A Novomlinskaya

Belgorod national research university

Email: sneginа
undergraduate of department of ecology, physiology and biological evolution


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Copyright (c) 2016 Snegin E.A., Snegina E.A., Novomlinskaya T.A.

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