Cytokine gene polymorphisms and early pregnancy loss

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Background: A disbalance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines can negatively affect early stages of human embryogenesis. The association between polymorphism of cytokine genes (-31С-Т IL1B, -174G-C IL6, -308G-A TNFα and -592С-A, -819C-T IL10) and a pregnancy loss was studied. Materials and method: Study was performed on DNA samples from two groups of women with pregnancy loss: those with a missed abortion (MA) (n = 62) and those with a spontaneous abortion (SA) (n = 62). The control group included 114 women with normal pregnancy. Cytokine genotyping was performed using PCR with sequence-specific primers, with the “SNP-express” kit (Lytech, Russian Federation). Results: Increase in the frequency of heterozygotes for -31С-Т polymorphism of the IL1β gene among women with MA (58.1) if compared with those with SA (36.7%) was found. In the SA group the frequency of heterozygotes for -592С-Т of the IL10 gene was higher (56.7%) than in the control group) (32.5%). The frequency of the -819Т allele of IL10 gene among women with SA was higher than in the control group (0.33 vs 0.23). The -308A allele of the TNFα gene featured the lowest frequency in the SA group if compared with those in the MA and the control group). Conclusion: Our data show that the risk of spontaneous abortion increases if -592A and -819T IL-10, and -308G TNFα genes` alleles are present in the genotype.

About the authors

Yelena Vladimirovna Mashkina

Southern federal university

candidate of biology science, associate professor

Konstantin Alekseyevich Kovalenko

Southern federal university

scientist reasercher

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Fomina

Southern federal university


Tatyana Pavlovna Shkurat

Southern federal university

doctor of biology science, associate professor, director of Biology Institute


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Copyright (c) 2014 Mashkina Y.V., Kovalenko K.A., Fomina N.V., Shkurat T.P.

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