Theoretical analysis of the predictability indices of the binary genetic tests

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A set of formulas for the indices of performance and predictive ability of the binary genetic tests is presented. Their dependence on disease prevalence and population frequency of a genetic marker is characterized. It is shown that a marker with the odds ratio OR < 2.2 has an initially low prognostic efficiency in every sense and at any frequencies of the disease and the marker. A marker can be a good classifier, when OR > 5.4, but only when its population frequency is rather high (>0.3). The formulas are presented that allow to obtain indirect estimates of absolute and relative risk of the disease for the carrier of a marker in the case-control studies

About the authors

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Rubanovich

Vavilov Institute of General Genetics RAS

Head of Lab of ecological genetic

Nikita Nikolayevich Khromov-Borisov

Saint-Petersburg State I. P. Pavlov Medical University

ssociate professor, Department of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics


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Copyright (c) 2013 Rubanovich A.V., Khromov-Borisov N.N.

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