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Aim: to improve diagnostic algorithms for liver, pancreas and bile ducts with the use of multiparametric elastography (MPE). Methods: From 2013 to 2017 in “Clinical hospital №1” were examined 387 patients with liver disease (n=180), diseases of the pancreas (n=127), diseases of the bile ducts (n=80). With the aim of improvement of the algorithms of surveys were conducted MPE: transient, compression elastography, shear wave elastography, compression elastography with endosonography. Results. It defined in terms of dynamic observation of the MPE. Additional conducting of any type of elastography with already-chosen option, and the obtained result is not reasonable: negative correla tion (r from -0,017 to -0,095). The MPE with diffuse liver diseases has greatest value in the dynamic observation of patients: AUC = 0,991 (95%, 0,944-0,997) and in focal liver disease (AUC = 0,991 (95%, 0,944-0,997), compared with its implementation at admission (AUC = 0,702 (95%, 0,602-7,443). Shear wave elastography and the comprassion elastography with endosonography, particularly in the definition of “zone of interest” for subsequent morphological studies, with the aim of diagnosis: AUC = 0,907 (95% CI 0,889 - 0,933), and AUC = 0,903 (95% CI 0,875 - 0,921), respectively. Conclusions. MPE was the most valuable in the dynamic observation of patients with diffuse liver diseases (AUC = 0,991 (95% CI 0,944-0,997), focal pathology (AUC = 0,991 (95% CI 0,944-0,997)). Biopsy remains the main method for primary diagnosis: AUC = 0,999 (95% CI: 0,901-1,000).

About the authors

T G Morozova

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Смоленский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства Здравоохранения России

к.м.н., старший научный сотрудник проблемной научно-исследовательской лаборатории «Диагностические исследования и малоинвазивные технологии»


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