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The purpose of the research was to develop a prescribing of immunomodulators Imudon, Viferon, Superlymph in the complex treatment of frequently ill children (FIC) with a frequency of ARI 6 or more times a year, foci of chronic infection in oro and nasopharynx, and intermittent (seasonal) AR mild or moderate severity (SAR). Methods: 120 FIC from 5 to 7 years old (56 boys and 64 girls) were followedup during 2 years. Investigation revealed pollen and household allergens predomination in the spectrum of causesignificant allergens. Microbial landscape of chronic infection foci in the oro and nasopharynx was characterized by a predominance of Staphylococcus aureus in 71,2%, Candida albicans in 28,8%, Streptococcus haemolyticus in 50% of patients. In 67.4% of patients microbial associations of 2 and 3 pathogens predominated. Immune system abnormalities were characterized by reduction in T cells, the level of serum IgA in 62.5%, gammaIFN – in 80%, alphainterferon – a 60% increase in serum IgG – at 62,5%, TNFα – 80,0%, and IgE – in 100% of the children. Supplementation of Imudon, Superlymph and Viferon as a component of complex treatment of this category of children reduces the mucous contamination with active forms of Candida albicans by 24 times, with bacterial flora ( Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus spp. ) in 2 3,4 times, reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes of oro and nasopharynx, adenoid hypertrophy, reduces the frequency of ARI in 1,9, 2,5 and 3,1 times respectively. In 16,6% of FIC with SAR who did not receive immunomodulators in complex treatment, persistent AR developed in a year of observation. Cases of persistent AR in groups of children receiving Superlymph or Viferon were not revealed.

About the authors

E V Chigaeva


заместитель главного врача по лечебной работе КБ №1 ФГУ ЮОМЦ ФМБА России, к.м.н.

N E Grankina



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Copyright (c) 2011 Chigaeva E.V., Grankina N.E.

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