Delayed sinus rhythm restoration after thoracoscopic left atrium fragmentation (а report of two cases)

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The article presents two clinical cases of delayed restoration of the sinus rhythm in patients with long-term persistent atrial fibrillation after the procedure of thoracoscopic radiofrequency fragmentation of the left atrium. The necessity of continuing attempts to restore the sinus rhythm up to the end of the "blind period" (90 days) is discussed.

About the authors

Sergey A. Vachev

Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized Medical Care and Medical Technologies FMBA of Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2747-3057
SPIN-code: 4940-0634


Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey V. Korolev

Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized Medical Care and Medical Technologies FMBA of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5513-2332
SPIN-code: 4545-3450


Russian Federation, Moscow

Alexandr S. Zotov

Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized Medical Care and Medical Technologies FMBA of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0494-0211
SPIN-code: 9315-6570


Russian Federation, Moscow

Robert I. Khabazov

Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized Medical Care and Medical Technologies FMBA of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6801-6568
SPIN-code: 8264-7791


Russian Federation, Moscow

Alexander V. Troitskiy

Federal Research and Clinical Center of Specialized Medical Care and Medical Technologies FMBA of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2143-8696
SPIN-code: 2670-6662


Russian Federation, Moscow


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Intraoperative photography: capture of the base of the left atrial appendage with a stapler (A); stump of the left atrial appendage (B)

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3. Fig. 2. Intraoperative photography: ablation lines on the posterior wall of the left atrium and around the collector of the left pulmonary veins (indicated by black arrows)

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Copyright (c) 2020 Vachev S.A., Korolev S.V., Zotov A.S., Khabazov R.I., Troitskiy A.V.

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