Specifics of the hemodynamics in hemodialysis patients with hand ischemia

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Background. Successful hemodialysis is impossible without an effective vascular access. However, the average duration of its normal functioning is 2.5–3.0 years that is associated with complications, one of them being steal syndrome of the hand.

Aim: to examine the hemodynamic parameters in the permanent vascular access and forearm arteries in chronic hemodialysis patients with ischemic steal syndrome of the hand. Methods. Duplex ultrasound was performed in 550 patients, 517 of which (94.0%) had an arteriovenous fistula, 33 (6.0%) had an arteriovenous graft. The inflow artery, anastomotic zone, outflow vein and arteries distal to the anastomotic zone were assessed during ultrasound examination; linear and volumetric speed indicators, peripheral resistance indices were measured.

Results. Steal syndrome was detected in 2.7% of cases. The main causes are the inflow artery alterations due to diabetes and atherosclerosis that lead to insufficient growth of the blood flow through the artery (20.0%); substantial anastomosis diameter that causes a vein dilation and significant increase in the access flow (13.3%); insufficient blood flow through the ulnar, anterior interosseous arteries and the absence of collateral branches not compensating for the retrograde blood flow in the radial artery distal to anastomosis (40.0%); microcirculatory dysfunction of the hand and alterations of the regulation mechanisms of the resistive vessels tone (26.7%).

Conclusion. Dynamic ultrasound examination of the vascular access can detect adverse changes in the hemodynamics and avoid severe ischemic complications. The main contribution to the steal syndrome development belongs to the condition of the forearm arteries not participating in the fistula formation and the hand microvasculature.

About the authors

Tatyana V. Zakhmatova

Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: tvzakh@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8253-2382
SPIN-code: 6813-0679

Doctor of medicine, associate professor of radiology department

Russian Federation, 191015, Saint Petersburg, Kirochnaya str., 41

Valeriia S. Koen

Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

Email: valeriia.koen@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3280-5714
SPIN-code: 4385-9561

Postgraduate student of radiology department

Russian Federation, 191015, Saint Petersburg, Kirochnaya str., 41

Alexander V. Holin

Mechnikov North-West State Medical University

Email: holin1959@list.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8227-1530
SPIN-code: 9791-8550

Doctor of medicine, professor, head of radiology department

Russian Federation, 191015, Saint Petersburg, Kirochnaya str., 41


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Figure: 1. Echograms of hemodynamically significant stenosis of the adducting (radial) artery: the diameter of the free lumen of the radial artery in the stenosis zone is 1.4 mm (A); acceleration of peak systolic blood flow velocity in the area of stenosis up to 352 cm / s, which indicates stenosis of 80–90% (B)

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3. Figure: 2. Echograms of the outlet vein (A) and artery distal to the anastomosis zone (B): volumetric blood flow velocity in the outlet vein was 2.8 L / min (A), retrograde blood flow in the artery distal to the anastomosis area - 879 ml / min (B)

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4. Figure: 3. Echograms of the ulnar artery: the volumetric blood flow rate initially (A) was 610 ml / min, after a test with physical activity (B) - up to 868 ml / min (an increase of 30.0%)

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5. Figure: 4. Echograms of the ulnar artery: the initial volumetric blood flow rate was 425 ml / min (A), its decrease after a test with physical activity to 417 ml / min indicates a breakdown of compensatory mechanisms of blood flow autoregulation in the hand (B)

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Copyright (c) 2020 Zakhmatova T.V., Koen V.S., Holin A.V.

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