The prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and their structure among healthy women. The main results of the project «Three ages of women»

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Background. Pathology of the cardiovascular system leads among the causes of mortality.

Aim. To determine the presence and structure of cardiovascular risk factors in healthy women of various age groups for a further in-depth study of their correlation with the initial manifestations of common diseases.

Methods. 408 healthy women took part in the study. The study was conducted among students and employees of MSUMD. All the women were questioned using a questionnaire specially created by the authors of the study. The questionnaire contained questions on identifying the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, nutritional characteristics, physical activity, the presence of bad habits and diseases, gynaecological status.

Results. All the participants were divided into 4 groups. The 1st group included 157 volunteers of a young early reproductive age from 17 to 24 years. Women of an early and late reproductive age up to 45 years, depending on the presence of a history of childbirth, were divided into two groups: 113 women having given birth made up the 2nd group and 74 nulliparous peers formed the 3rd group. 64 postmenopausal women aged 45 to 66 years made up the 4th group. Complaints of shortness of breath and discomfort in the heart region without regard to physical activity (73% versus 36% of cases in the 1st group, p=0.001), insufficient physical activity (48%, p=0.001) were noted in women of the fourth group. 18.4% of respondents smoked cigarettes. Among chronic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases prevailed in 41.4% (n=169). The gynaecological status analysis revealed ovarian dysfunction in 26.8% of the respondents, premenstrual syndrome in 52% (group 1 volunteers), premature birth in 14.7% of volunteers, Cesarean section in 11.7% of women, birth complications in 15,4%, miscarriages in 11.4% of cases. In 28% of women of the 4th group with a surgical menopause, an increase in the body mass index, in the blood pressure, hot flashes and insomnia were noted (p=0.001).

Conclusion. The presence of a large percentage of CVD risk factors in practically healthy women — smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, hormonal disorders, pregnancy pathologies — in young age groups requires an in-depth study in the identified risk groups.

About the authors

I. V. Voevodina

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry a.n. A.I. Evdokimov

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2368-0582
SPIN-code: 2778-8885

д.м.н., профессор кафедры госпитальной терапии № 1

Russian Federation, Moscow

E. Y. Maychuk

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry a.n. A.I. Evdokimov

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0866-785X
SPIN-code: 5532-7898

д.м.н., профессор кафедры госпитальной терапии № 1

Russian Federation, Moscow

O. S. Ivanova

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry a.n. A.I. Evdokimov

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1266-9305

аспирант кафедры госпитальной терапии № 1

Russian Federation, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2020 Voevodina I.V., Maychuk E.Y., Ivanova O.S.

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