Disease-Modifying Therapy of Chronic Heart Failure on the Background of Heart Rhythm and Conductivity Disorders (Clinical Case)

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The article presents a clinical case of the development and progression of chronic heart failure (CHF) in a patient with postinfarction cardiosclerosis after implantation of a permanent pacemaker due to binodal dysfunction. The progression of CHF was exacerbated by the patient's transition to a permanent form of atrial fibrillation. Complex therapy for CHF, including cardiac resynchronization therapy, drug therapy with valsartan + sacubitril, empagliflozin, eplerenone, metoprolol succinate (quadrotherapy) led to a complete recovery of the ejection fraction (EF) of the left ventricle. After the patient stopped taking one of the components of quadrotherapy (valsartan + sacubitril), there was a tendency to decrease in EF. The clinical case emphasizes the importance of the timely transformation of traditional permanent pacing into cardiac resynchronization therapy and the appointment of complex modern drug therapy for CHF. When an improvement or restoration of EF is achieved, it is advisable to continue the therapy against which the improvement was obtained in order to avoid the negative consequences that are possible when the components of the quadrotherapy are cancelled.

About the authors

Tatiana N. Novikova

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Author for correspondence.
Email: novikova-tn@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4655-0297
SPIN-code: 3401-0329

MD, Cand.Sci.(Med), Associate professor of departament therapy and cardiology of M.S. Kushakovsky

Russian Federation, 41, st. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015

Vladimir I. Novikov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: novikov-vi@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2493-6300
SPIN-code: 6909-3377

MD, Doctor of medical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Functional Diagnostics

Russian Federation, 41, st. Kirochnaya, , St. Petersburg, 191015

Fatima I. Bitakova

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: Fatima.Bitakova@szgmu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6637-8266
SPIN-code: 8624-7193

MD, Cand.Sci.(Med), Associate professor of departament therapy and cardiology of M.S. Kushakovsky

Russian Federation, 41, st. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015

Sergey A. Saiganov

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: sergey.sayganov@szgmu.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8325-1937
SPIN-code: 2174-6400

MD, Doctor of medical sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Hospital Therapy and Cardiology named after M.S. Kushakovsky, Rector

Russian Federation, 41, st. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015

Vladislava A. Shcherbakova

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Email: shcher.vl@yandex.ru

4th year student

Russian Federation, 41, st. Kirochnaya, St. Petersburg, 191015


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Fragment of ECG monitoring. Explanation in the text

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3. Fig. 2. Fragment of ECG monitoring after permanent pacemaker implantation. Explanation in the text

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4. Fig. 3. Assessment of myocardial dyssynchrony. Explanation in the text

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Copyright (c) 2022 Novikova T.N., Novikov V.I., Bitakova F.I., Saiganov S.A., Shcherbakova V.A.

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