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Aim. The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of different anthropometric parameters of the upper dentition on esthetic parameters of the smile in patients with dentomaxillary anomalies accompanied by the narrowing of the upper dentition. Materials and methods. Forty eight patients underwent clinical examination with facial photometry and anthropometric study of plaster model of the upper jaw. Five parameters were taken into consideration: transverse size of the upper dentition in the regions of canines, first premolars and first molars, buccal corridors, visible dentition width. Results. All five parameters were compared with each other by means of scatter diagram. No correlation between the parameters was observed. Four clinical cases, confirming absence of correlation between the studied parameters, were described. Conclusions. There is no correlation between the narrowed upper dentition and the size of buccal corridors, visible while smiling. It is necessary to study these parameters in patients before, in the course of and after treatment.

About the authors

V V Polyakova

Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. академика Е.А. Вагнера

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