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Aim. To estimate the level and indices of the quality of life (QL) in pregnant women with chronic urinary infections (CUI). Materials and methods. The efficiency of the developed training interactive program was estimated in dynamics by QL level, medical activity and hygienic literacy of 102 pregnant women. The universal international Russian-language health status survey SF-36 was used as an instrument. Mathematical apparatus included parametric (calculation of relative and mean values with estimation of their reliability) and nonparametric methods (χ2). Results. Training at «Health School for Pregnant Women with Urinary Infections» was conducted by means of interactive and informative programs based on the nursing technology «nursing process». It was shown that introduction of this method leads not only to raising the level of patients’ hygienic literacy (HL) and medical activity (MA) by 51,0%, but also the QL level at the expense of role emotional and role physical functioning indices (42,9% each). Conclusion. The QL level and its indices, variability of their contribution to QL are important efficiency criteria of innovation forms of training. Training of pregnant women with CUI promotes not only elevation of QL, HL and MA levels, but smoothes women’s role crisis during pregnancy.

About the authors

E Yu Shkatova

Ижевская государственная медицинская академия

доктор медицинских наук, доцент, заведующая кафедрой мобилизационной подготовки здравоохранения и медицины катастроф

O N Elovikova

Ижевская государственная медицинская академия

Email: olga-elovikova@yandex.ru
аспирант кафедры МПЗ и медицины катастроф


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Copyright (c) 2013 Shkatova E.Y., Elovikova O.N.

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