Radiotheranostics is here to help

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The COVID-19 pandemic did not diminish interest in radiotheranostics. However, the demand for visualization of pathological processes using cross-sectional and hybrid imaging (CT, MRI, SPECT, and PET) is increased. Over the past 15 months, the world has seen an exponential increase in investment in new radiopharmaceuticals for radiotheranostics. The list of antibodies and ligands labeled with "medical" radioactive isotopes is expanding as the molecular mechanisms of regulation and implementation of metabolic processes become clearer. The range of diagnostic and therapeutic radioactive isotopes is also expanding, ultimately increasing the range and availability of radiotherapy in nuclear medicine centers worldwide. It is necessary to unite the efforts of physicists, radiopharmacists, chemists, biologists, doctors, and mathematicians to develop radio technology. Usage and improvement of personalized dosimetry for planning radionuclide therapy is also a priority. For example, the International Foundation Oncidium helps with information and exchange of experience, while the international diagnostic study NOBLE increases the availability and reduces the cost of PSMA receptor scintigraphy. An association for the development of theranostics was created to intensify the integration renewal of nuclear medicine.

About the authors

Rumyantsev O. Rumyantsev

​SOGAZ International Medical Center

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7721-634X
SPIN-code: 7085-7976
ResearcherId: C-6647-2012

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), ​​De​puty Head Physician, Chief oncologist-radiologist 

Russian Federation, ​4 lit A Finlyandskiy prospect, Saint-Petersburg, ​191186


Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. Radioactive isotopes for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Rumyantsev R.O.

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