Big river channel formation and deformation in the intermountain basin (case study of the Yana River within the Kular mountain massif)




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The incised pebble-boulder channels of large mountain rivers (including the Yana in its mountainous area), their morphology and history of formation are well studied. However, local conditions within the intermountain depressions lead to the emergence of specific features of the channel development and its morphology — in this case, the formation of finger-shaped meander. The paper analyzes the historical and modern features of the formation of the Yana riverbed in the “Porogi” section located in the depression inside Kular range, and describes the negative impact of channel processes on navigation. Using this case study, we consider the characteristic features of the channel development of a large river under the influence of a complex of factors — the regional geological conditions (which caused active incision of the channel), discharge, and channel sediment composition. Characteristics of lateral migration and curvature development of meander controlled by bedrock and narrowing of the valley are presented. The discharge conditions under which the displacement of riffles is possible are calculated. The forecast of the further channel development and recommendations for sustainable navigation are given.




D. Shkolnyi

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography


Faculty of Geography

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow

R. Chalov

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Faculty of Geography

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. The Yana River in the intermountain basin (Chercha-Boskhong depression) — the “Porogi” site: (а) — Sentinel image, June 18, 2022, with fairway and kilometres along it and UAV camera location; (б) — UAV view of the site from 200 meters above the water.

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3. Fig. 2. (а) — Geomorphological scheme of the “Porogi” site within the intermountain basin. 1 — 4th Middle Pleistocene high-basement terrace and its ledge to the river; 2 — 3rd and 2nd Late Pleistocene basement terraces; 3а — 1st terrace (“floodplain–terrace”), 3б — high floodplain; 4 — regularly flooded young floodplain (а — medium, б — low); 5а — near-channel shoals, 5б — rock outcrops in the channel; 6а — meander scars, 6б — floodplain gullies; 7 — contours of former islands in the floodplain relief. (б) — Reconstruction of the sequential channel positions (along the flow axis) during the floodplain formation on the “Porogi” site (the color changes from burgundy to green with floodplain age decreasing).

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4. Fig. 3. The shape of the Yana River bottom within the intermountain basin, its macroforms and longitudinal profiles of the water surface at different water discharges: 1 — at lowest navigable water level (920 m3/s), 2 — during field study (4340 m3/s), 3 — bankfull (Q = 12 000 m3/s).

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5. Fig. 4. Prediction of channel deformations: 1 — rock outcrops in the stream; 2 — development of the concavity of the eroded bank, which has a guiding effect on the flow; 3 — change in the position of the flow dynamic axis; 4 — sediment accumulation zones; 5 — hydraulically optimal position of the flow axis (straightening the bend) and the recommended channel through the bend spur.

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