Long-term dynamics of velocities of horizontal channel erosions on the rivers of Udmurtia

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The results of a study of channel displacement for 2000–2022 in 55 key areas located on rivers of different orders, draining across different landscapes of Udmurtia, are presented. The erosion rates were determined using benchmarks and tacheometric survey. To analyze the obtained results, the rivers were divided into 4 groups based on their order magnitude (according to the method of A. Scheidegger). Maximum erosion rate (up to 15 m/year) is typical for rivers of an order higher than 14, 6–8 m/year for medium rivers with an order of 9–14, 5.5 m/year for small rivers with an order of 6–9, and up to 4.2 m/year for very small rivers (of order 6 or less) under natural conditions and up to 8.1 m/year with man-made intervention. The mean annual and maximum amount of erosion were calculated for each reference areas for the period of observation. Correlation analysis showed a high significant relationship between the erosion rate and river order and, accordingly, the average annual and maximum discharges. The connection between the values of erosion and the annual amount of precipitation was found only for 3 small rivers within the Kilmez River basin. Trend analysis of erosion over a 23-year time interval was performed for the selected groups of rivers.

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About the authors

I. I. Rysin

Udmurt State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: rysin.iwan@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Izhevsk

I. I. Grigorev

Udmurt State University

Email: ivangrig@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Izhevsk

L. N. Petukhova

Udmurt State University

Email: egorov.i53@mail.ru
Russian Federation, Izhevsk

A. A. Perevoshchikov

Udmurt State University

Email: rysin.iwan@yandex.ru
Russian Federation, Izhevsk


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Map-diagram of the location of key sites for the study of morphodynamics of riverbeds of the Udmurt Republic.

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3. Fig. 2. The dependence of the average annual (a) and average maximum (б) erosion rates on the order of the river in the territory of Udmurtia for the period 2000–2022.

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4. Fig. 3. Dynamics of average annual (a) and average maximum (б) erosion rates (m/year) on the rivers of Udmurtia for 2000–2022.

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5. Fig. 4. Dynamics of average annual (a) and average maximum (б) erosion rates on the smallest rivers, average annual (в) and average maximum (г) erosion rates on small rivers, average annual (д) and average maximum (e) erosion rates (m/year) on medium rivers of Udmurtia for 2000 –2022.

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6. Fig. 5. Graphs of the dependence of the maximum erosion rates on the maximum costs of the Adamka River (Grakhovo village) (a), the maximum erosion rates on the maximum costs of the Loza River (Igra village) (б), the average annual erosion rates on the average annual costs of the Nylga River (Nylga village) (в), the maximum erosion rates on the maximum costs of Siva River (Gavrilovka village) (г), the maximum erosion rates from the maximum expenditures on the Cheptsa River (Kamennoye Zadelye village) (д) and the average annual erosion rates from the maximum expenditures on the Cheptsa River (Dizmino village) (e).

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7. Fig. 6. The dependence of the average annual erosion rates on the Arlet River (Chibir-Zunya village) on the annual amount of precipitation (a), the dependence of the average annual erosion rates on the Kilmez River (Goloviznin-Yazok village) on the annual amount of precipitation (б), the dependence of the average annual erosion rates on the Nylga River (Nylga village) on the annual amount of precipitation (в).

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