Reinforced concrete structures

The journal "Reinforced Concrete Structures" is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to creation and improvement of rational types of reinforced concrete structures, methods for their analysis, as well as operation and ensuring of structural safety.

The purpose of the journal "Reinforced Concrete Structures" is to provide an opportunity for scientists and specialists in the field of reinforced concrete to publish and make available to a wide range of readers the results of new scientific research and achievements in this field.

The most important tasks that the journal "Reinforced Concrete Structures" sets for itself are as follows:

  • ensuring the high quality of published research articles and reviews through the communication between scientists and specialists in the field of study during reviewing process;
  • exchange of views on the pages of the journal on key issues of the theory of concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • open access to research articles and reviews in the journal "Reinforced Concrete Structures" for an international audience.

Media registration certificate: ПИ № ФС 77-83679 от 26.07.2022

ISSN (print): 2949-1622ISSN (online): 2949-1614

Founder: Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)

Editor-in-Chief: Tamrazyan Ashot Georgievich, Doctor of Sc., Professor

Frequency / Access:  4 issues per year  / Open

Included in: RISC

Current Issue

Vol 6, No 2 (2024)


Progressive Collapse of Structural Systems Considering Force and Corrosion Damage
Merkulov S.I.
The main directions of development of the theory of structural safety of buildings and structures have been formulated. A hierarchical approach to the assessment of structural safety of objects under corrosion damage from structural materials to structural system is proposed. Peculiarities of corrosion damageability of concrete of reinforced concrete structures are determined, mechanisms of force and corrosion effects and their influence on progressive destruction of structural systems of exploited buildings are analyzed.
Reinforced concrete structures. 2024;6(2):3-11
pages 3-11 views
Evaluation of the Long-Term Strength of Concrete in Building Structures
Putlyaev V.I., Berlinova M.N.
An approach to estimating the long-term strength of concrete in building structures in the calculation of reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures of various types is proposed. The process of increasing the initial modulus of concrete deformations in time as a consequence of a certain physicochemical reaction of strength gain is considered. The function of the age of concrete is presented, taking into account the change in the modes of temperature effects during the period of hardening. It is shown that the entropy criterion of strength is more flexible compared to the criterion of the energy barrier of destruction. The application of the entropy strength criterion allows us to take into account the effect of temperature on the long-term strength of concrete.
Reinforced concrete structures. 2024;6(2):12-21
pages 12-21 views
Fatigue Behavior of Flexural Reinforced Concrete Beams under Corrosion Conditions
Tamrazyan A.G.
The article is devoted to the fatigue of bending reinforced concrete beams under reinforcement corrosion. The influence of lugs and rebar notches periodic profile in concrete under repetitive loads, which act as stress concentrators, leading to the appearance of fatigue cracks and to the reduction of fatigue strength, is considered. 
Reinforced concrete structures. 2024;6(2):22-34
pages 22-34 views
Improvement of the Method of Calculating Plates for Punching
Trekin N.N., Krylov V.V., Andrian K.R.
The article formulates proposals for improving the calculation methodology for punching. The methods in the current regulatory documents for assessing the tensile strength are based mainly on empirical dependencies obtained on the basis of numerous experimental studies. It should be noted that they give reliable results if certain design requirements are met (typical column sections). Along the interface line of the plate with a rectangular (square) column, supporting bending moments act in two orthogonal directions. The magnitude of these moments for the most common spans is large and, in an elastic setting, exceeds the span by two times. Taking into account the redistribution of forces and the most likely formation of cracks in the stretched zone, it can be argued that in the operational stage, the support sections of the plates have compressed and stretched zones. With such a stress-strain state, in the calculation scheme, when evaluating the tensile strength, the stretched part of the side surface of the “reduced” pyramid, bounded by the neutral axis along all faces, should be excluded. As a result, expressions are presented to determine the parameters of the reduced punching pyramid and the value of forces in concrete and reinforcement at the maximum bearing capacity stage.
Reinforced concrete structures. 2024;6(2):35-42
pages 35-42 views


Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Frames to Progressive Collapse at Catenary Action of Beams
Kolchunov V.I., Savin S.Y.

The specific properties of deformation and failure of a reinforced concrete frame are investigated under sequential realization of arch and catenary action of beams after removal of the middle row column. Numerical modeling with the use of solid- and beam-type finite element models is performed for the purposes of the study. It was found that at the failure of the column of the second row the beam of the frame above the point of column removal transform to catenary structure, as evidenced by the relative deflection 1/29.8 (179 mm). The compressed concrete at the outer face of the corner column then collapsed, followed by the complete collapse of the frame. It is shown that the results of calculation performed with the use of the frame model based on solid finite elements were visually close to the results of numerical modeling with the use of bar finite element models before the onset of catenary action of the beams. For more correct modeling of reinforced concrete frame structures when catenary action of beams is realized in them. It is advisable to use specific modeling methods, such as accounting for additional rotations of sections at crack formation.

Reinforced concrete structures. 2024;6(2):43-53
pages 43-53 views
Calculation of Reinforced Concrete Frames for a Special Design Situation with Discrete Crack Modeling
Savin S.Y., Iliushchenko T.A.
The methodology of calculation of reinforced concrete frames of buildings for a special design situation caused by initial local failures, taking into account the violation of the continuity of the concrete matrix during crack formation, is proposed. The verification of the proposed methodology is carried out by comparing it with the results of experimental data for a U-shaped reinforced concrete frame with prestressing. The bending moments in the frame, determined by the proposed calculation method, are in practically complete agreement with the values found experimentally. As a result of cracking, there was a redistribution of bending moments in the beam of the frame: the moments in the structural nodes decreased by 148 % and increased in the span by 37.5 % compared to the results obtained using the traditional finite element method approach. On the basis of the results of the calculation of the reinforced concrete 3-storey frame by the proposed method, the increase of longitudinal tensile forces in the beam support sections above the zone of local failure at failure of the middle row column is revealed in comparison with the traditional approach to modeling. The revealed effect may lead to an increase in the influence of longitudinal bending for the outermost row column to which the beam is adjacent.
Reinforced concrete structures. 2024;6(2):54-63
pages 54-63 views

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