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Author Guidelines

Template of the manuscript

Article title

The article title is a definition of the research object. In exceptional cases, an indication of the research method can be added to the definition.

Please, do not include in the title:

  • words that indicate the research process (analysis, evaluation, estimation, assessment, research, study, application, search, definition, decision, calculation);
  • words that indicate the relevance (new, modern, current);
  • words indicating superiority (best, most / least profitable, optimal, most);
  • general introductory constructions and words (to the question of, in terms of some features, issues, problems);
  • abbreviations.

The title of the article excludes the use of verbs. The recommended length of the title is 7 words (not including prepositions and conjunctions).


The article abstract performs an important representative function in all information bases and is an independent source of information. The abstract purpose is to give the reader an idea of the article content without reading the full text.

Abstracts should be:

  • uncluttered (do not contain excessive parenthesis);
  • informative (to reflect the main content of the article and the results of research);
  • structured (follow the structure of the article).

The text of the abstract should be brief and clear, free of background information, superfluous introductory words, general and insignificant formulations.

The abstract should have the same structure as the text of the article and contain 1–2 sentences for each clause

  • description of the research object;
  • formulation of motivation;
  • research method (briefly);
  • results of the study (it is recommended to indicate the specific results and dependencies obtained in the study);
  • conclusions (briefly).

The text must be coherent, the statements should be logical from one another.

In abstract is not recommended to:

  • use complex grammatical constructions;
  • use non-standard or uncommon abbreviations (if essential, abbreviations must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself);
  • use links to sources;
  • use formulas and illustrations;
  • leave out the research results in order to intrigue the reader.


A keyword is a word that, in combination with other keywords, can give a high-level description of the contents of a text document, allowing you to identify its subject matter.

The recommended number is 5–7 keywords.

Please use common terms or indexed keywords. Indexed keywords are those words that are most popular and used on this topic. Using the indexed keywords increases the probability of finding an article in databases and libraries.

Content and structure of the article

The journal “ Stroitel'stvo i rekonstruktsiya ” (“ Building and Reconstruction ”) publishes original, previously unpublished articles containing new scientific results obtained by the authors. The articles must be of international interest.

Topics covered by the journal:

  • Substantiation, research and development of new types of bearing and enclosing reinforced concrete structures.
  • Substantiation, development and optimization of structural decisions for buildings and structures, considering their functionality, natural and climatic conditions, economic and structural safety using numerical simulation.
  • Creation and development of effective methods of analysis and experimental studies of newly erected, restored and strengthened building structures considering the specifics of impacts on them, the properties of materials, the specifics of design solutions and other features.
  • Development and improvement of methods and systems for quality control of building structures during service life.
  • Methods for structural health monitoring, strengthening and restoration of buildings and structures.
  • Optimal design of reinforced concrete structures.
  • Study of structural safety and robustness of building frames under design and abnormal impacts.
  • Development of methods for analysis of reinforced concrete structures under various force and environmental effects, forecast of RC structure's service life.
  • Reduction of risks and ensuring the reliability and structural safety of buildings and structures in emergency situations of natural and man-made nature (fire, various dynamic impacts, and emergency shock) and abnormal impacts.
  • Development of the theory of analysis of reinforced concrete structures.
  • Seismic resistance of buildings and structures.
  • Computer modeling in construction.

Following paragraphs are required for the original research article according to the international standard IMRAD:

  1. Introduction begins with the description of the research object. Then the study relevance and background based on the literature review are formulated. Then the section presents research motivation and the formulation of the research goal, which contains a list of tasks to be solved, as a conclusion from the literature review.
  2. Methods describes in detail the selected research method. The method should be defined in such a way that another researcher could reproduce it and get similar results.
  3. Results and Discussion should preferably be presented in the form of tables, graphs and other figures. This section includes the results themselves and their analysis, their interpretation, comparison with the results of other authors.
  4. Conclusion summarizes the results of scientific research. The section contains a numbered list briefly summarizing the main scientific results of the article. Conclusions should be logically in accordance with the tasks at the beginning of the article.
  5. This section is optional, it expresses gratitude for the financial, information and other support provided during the writing of the article.

Recommendations for references compilation and formatting

In the INTRODUCTION section, an overview of the world's scientific publications is presented. It confirms the absence of a solution to the problem in literary sources and indicates predecessors on whose studies the work is based. The literature review should be a critical analysis of scientific publications. It must justify (motivate) the need for research, done by the author of the article. From the literature review the formulation of the study’s relevance follows. In this section, the author describes the research subject and lists its parameters in numerical and/or logical values. The aim and objectives of the research are formulated.

A representative list of literature characterizes the relevance and qualitative level of research conducted by the author. These recommendations are compiled in accordance with global trends and contribute to greater openness of scientific publications as well as improve the performance of articles and their authors in databases.


  1. Volume.It is recommended to include in the list of references scientific articles, monographs, conference proceedings, electronic resources with a date of reference. The list of references should include 20-40 scientific publications available to a wide range of English-speaking readers.
  2. Available publications are:
    • Scientific publications indexed in Scopus or Web of Science databases.
    • Open access scientific publications in English in peer-reviewed scientific sources.
    • Open access scientific publications and patents in a language other than English in peer-reviewed scientific sources and have English-language metadata (source name, title of the article, author's data, abstract, key words, list of references) links to the publication.
    • Interstate or normative English-language documents used in many states.
    It is strongly recommended not to include dissertation,  textbooks, teaching aids, lecture notes and other educational literature in the article.
  3. Relevance. For a representative review of the literature it is necessary that the sources were relevant. We recommend to have in the list of literature at least 8 articles from scientific journals not older than 10 years, 5 of them not older than 3 years.
  4. Geography.According to the requirements of the journal, the literature review should confirm the lack of a solution to the stated goal in the world literature, and therefore recommend that you have in the references not only your country but also foreign publications. The recommended volume is not less than half of the total number of sources in the literature list. Foreign sources are publications published in a foreign journal (not your country). The language of publication in this case is irrelevant.
  5. Self-citation.Within the limits of self-citation it is not recommended to have more than 5 sources, the authors or co-authors of which are the authors of the article.


Correctly written description of the source is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing the author's scientific activity and, as a consequence, the organization.

The quoted literature is given in the general list at the end of the article in the order of mentioning in the text. The ordinal number in the text is enclosed in square brackets (e.g. [9], [11, 12], [16–20]). The article should contain references to all sources from the list of references.

We kindly ask you, when referring to a source, use its official metadata in both Cyrilic and Latin as indicated in the source.
It is highly appreciated to use DOI, if it is available.

Examples of reference list formatting:

  • book
    Guzonas D., Novotny R., Penttilä S. Structural Materials for Generation IV Nuclear Reactors. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing. 2017. 684 p.
  • article 
    Kolchunov V.I., Savin S.Y. Dynamic effects in a composite two-component rods which appear when local fracture of the matrix is occurred. Journal of Applied Engineering Science. 2017. Vol. 15. No. 3. Pp: 325-331. doi:10.5937/jaes15-14602
  • conference paper
    Calvo G.J.L. Performance of concrete in precast products due to heat curing. Proceedings of XIII International Congress on the chemistry of cement. Madrid, 2011. 183 p.
  • electronic resource
    Simões, I., Simões, N., Tadeu, A. Laboratory assessment of thermal transmittance of homogeneous building elements using infrared thermography. [Online]. System requirements: AdobeAcrobatReader. URL: (date of application: 03.10.2016).
  • patent
    Pye, G.B., Arnott, M.R., Beaudoin, J.J., Tumidajski, P.J., Myers, R.E. Conductive concrete composition. Patent Canada CA 2404513C, 2007.

Formatting guidelines

The articles are submitted in the .docx format.

Recommended volume of articles: from 10,000 to 30,000 characters with spaces.

Page setup: top — 2.00 cm, bottom — 1.5 cm, left — 2 cm, right — 2 cm. Font — Times New Roman. The font size of the main text is 12, additional (tables, footnotes, notes) — 10, line spacing — single. Paragraphs break — 1.25 cm.

The text is typed in accordance with the following rules:

  • orientation of all pages is book;
  • all words within a paragraph are separated by only one space;
  • before the punctuation mark there is no space, after it — one space;
  • tabulations, tears, inscriptions are not allowed.

All abbreviations used by the author, with the exception of the generally accepted ones, should be determined when they are first mentioned in the text.

Formulas are typed using the functions of MathType (inside the text). Formula parameters:

  • font — Times New Roman;
  • sizes: usual — 12 pt, large index — 9 pt, small index — 7 pt, large character — 18 pt, small character — 10 pt (To change the parameters, click the “Size” tab ==> “Define" and set the necessary parameters);
  • outline: variable and lowercase Greek — italic, the rest — straight lines.

Numbered and bulleted lists should be executed using the appropriate MS Word tools, not manually. The names of sections must be made in the style of “Heading". Tables are made by tools of Word (not drawings) and are located inside the text of the article. Place the figure as close as possible after the point where it is first referenced in the text.  If you want to preserve high quality figures, they can be additionally presented separately using the following available formats: .jpeg, .tiff, .bmp.


  1. Submission of all materials is carried out electronically through editorial e-mail:
  2. Before submitting an article, please, make sure that it meets all the requirements of the journal. Substandard preparation of submitted materials leads to the increase in timing of the article consideration. Articles not corresponding to the requirements for structure and content are not accepted for consideration.


  1. After the article submission to the electronic editorial system it is checked by the editor for compliance with the journal requirements and plagiarism absence. In case of their violation the article might be sent to the author for revision or rejected. The reason for rejection can be disconformity to the main requirements, the subject of the journal, the discovery of the fact of plagiarism or re-publication. In this case, the author is necessarily provided with a reasoned refusal in the "Discussion" field on the article page.
  2. If the article meets all requirements, the editor will appoint 2 or more scientific reviewers. Reviewing in the journal is “single-blind”, i.e. the author of the article doesn't know the reviewer identity.
  3. The editorial staff provides reviewing of all scientific articles accepted to consideration. Peer review is carried out by invited reviewers.
  4. If you receive a negative review of the article from two reviewers, it will not be considered further.
  5. In the case of receiving only one negative review, the editor appoints an additional reviewer.
  6. Based on the results of the review the editorial board assigns the article to the current issue, then the editor notify the author of the publication volume, DOI and timing.
  7. The time for article consideration may be extended in case of a submission of significant number of articles.


In addition to the article, the author must submit a signed license agreement. The document can be provided after the article is accepted for publication.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with each of the following items, and submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.

  • The manuscripts are accepted if has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

  • The materials should be prepared in a format OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or World Perfect.

  • Internet links are provided as a complete URL.

  • Text should be typed with an interval of one and a half line spacing, font Times New Roman, 14 pt; to highlight the accents it is recommended to use italics rather than underlining (except Internet links). All images, graphics and tables are placed within the text according to the meaning of the particular part of text  (and not at the end of the document).

  • Text should follow the stylistic and bibliography requirements as stated in  Regulations  located in the Part "About Us."

  • Please, remove the authors' names from the title of the article and other parts of the document to ensure the  anonymity of reviewing.


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
1.    Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
2.    Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
3.    Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


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