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A. G. Gus'kov, K. A. Kochegarov, S. M. Shamin. Russko-turetskaya voy na 1686–1700 godov

Liseytsev D.


В российской исторической науке со времени, когда учёные, преодолев этап написания хронологически широких обобщающих трудов, стали специализироваться на изучении того или иного увлёкшего их периода, сложилось несколько своеобразных рубежей, разделяющих пространство прошлого на несколько слабо связанных между собой эпох. К их числу, в частности, относится Батыево нашествие XIII в., дающее учёным основания специализироваться на исследовании «домонгольского» периода или, напротив, истории России времени ордынского владычества1. Не менее глубокая пропасть пролегла между специалистами по истории XVII и XVIII вв. Историки, отдавшие сердце первому из этих двух столетий, не любят заглядывать во второе (как правило, увлекаясь «экзотикой» Московской Руси и, в лучшем случае, указывая на ошибки первого императора и цену проводимых им преобразований). Учёные же, специализирующиеся на истории XVIII в., напротив, обыкновенно имеют самое общее представление о предшествующем периоде, часто воспринимая его как негативный фон, обосновывающий необходимость и гениальность петровских реформ, вырвавших Россию из оков «азиатской дикости» и превративших её в страну европейскую. Об ограниченности таких шаблонных представлений немало сказано и написано исследователями, работающими по обе стороны «рубежа XVII–XVIII вв.», но приходится констатировать, что прочных мостов, позволяющих преодолевать эту пропасть, до сих пор не так уж и много. Тем отраднее видеть появление работы, представляющей собой, по сути, ещё одно звено, связующее «старую Русь» и «новую Россию». Таковым по праву можно считать недавно опубликованную монографию А. Г. Гуськова, К. А. Кочегарова и С. М. Шамина о русско- турецкой вой не конца XVII в.2 Помимо бесспорно важного магистрального сюжета монографии, в контексте сказанного выше она интересна ещё и тем, что изучаемый авторами военный конфликт хронологически относится как к «закату Московской Руси», так и к «заре петровской эпохи». И именно на материале исследуемых событий (гораздо более широком, нежели традиционная «военная история») становится особенно очевидной искусственная природа барьера, по разные стороны которого лежат «бесславные крымские походы Голицына» и «блестящее Азовское взятие Петра I». Авторам книги удалось показать, что речь идёт о непрерывной цепи событий, исторически и логически связанных между собой и составляющих часть единого полотна российской истории XVII–XVIII вв. В дискуссии о достоинствах и спорных моментах монографии приняли участие доктора исторических наук Б.В. Носов и Д.В. Сень, кандидаты исторических наук П.А. Аваков, Т.А. Базарова и Г.М. Казаков. 1 Историография новейшей эпохи возвела для себя ещё два труднопреодолимых «вала», разделив события последних ста с небольшим лет на периоды «досоветский», «советский» и «постсоветский».
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):3-3
pages 3-3 views

The story of the «unknown war»

Sen’ D.


The author's review, as part of a more general scientific discussion, is devoted to the consideration of the merits and controversial points of the latest monograph by A.G. Guskov, K.A. Kochegarov, S.M. Shamin on the Russo-Turkish War of 1686–1700. Not only the concept of the authors of the book, its historiographical and source bases, but also the broad event background presented in the book are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the specifics of the book’s authors’ coverage of the so-called events. small war - in relation to the territory of the North Caucasus and the border communities inhabiting it. The final conclusion is that the book under discussion is of a fundamental nature, determined by the systematic approach developed and implemented by the authors to the collection and analysis of empirical material, a comprehensive analysis of the mechanisms of military-political planning and implementation of numerous military campaigns, and a careful attitude to the social contexts of the military confrontation between the parties.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):4-9
pages 4-9 views

The Russian-Turkish War of 1686–1700: Campaigns and Diplomacy

Bazarova T.


The authors of the monograph (Guskov A.G., Kochegarov K.A., Shamin S.M. The Russian-Turkish War of 1686–1700. Moscow, 2022) focus not only on military events on the southern borders of Russia at the end of the 17th century, but also on the actions of Russian diplomats. The activities of the Ambassadorial Prikaz are consistently analyzed in the context of the political goals and objectives implemented by the sovereign at various stages of the war. They were solved by the most experienced diplomats of the Ambassadorial Prikaz, who began their service under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It is shown that the vast experience, established connections and contacts of K.N. Nefimonov, P.B. Voznitsyn and E.I. Ukraintsev gave them a number of advantages, but they did not have the ability to quickly respond to a changing international stop.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):10-14
pages 10-14 views

The events of 1686–1700: a series of conflicts or a war?

Nosov B.


An important contribution of authors towards the studying of military and political aspects of the Russian-Turkish war 1686–1700 is stressed. At the same time the lack of detail characteristic of sources of the work is noted, as well as that, that some of social problems of the war are insufficiently studied and some politological terms are used incorrectly.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):15-22
pages 15-22 views

Not just about Azov

Kazakov G.


The essay reviews the book “The Russo-Turkish War of 1686–1700” by A.G. Gus’kov, K.A. Kochegarov, and S.M. Shamin. It touches upon the chronology of the conflict and the authors’ goal to give a comprehensive overview of the war as a prolonged series of clashes between Russian, the Crimean khanate and the Ottoman empire. It also highlights the authors’ decision to focus on the less known episodes of the war, such as the North Caucasian theatre of operations.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):22-26
pages 22-26 views

The first monograph on Peter I’s first War

Avakov P.


Monograph by A.G. Gouskov, K.A. Kochegarov and S.M. Shamin represents the first attempt at a complete comprehensive study of the Russian-Turkish War of 1686–1699. This fundamental research is a serious contribution to the study of the foreign policy and military history of Russia at the Late of the 17th Century and allows the reader to take a fresh look at many seemingly well-known events. The authors used an impressive and representative array of archival sources (most of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time) and offer a number of innovative assessments and conclusions. The book is rich in vivid details, organically combined with the breadth of issues raised. Controversial aspects of the study and some factological inaccuracies are noted. The conclusion about the possibility of revising the proposed periodization and the upper chronological limit of the war is substantiated.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):26-34
pages 26-34 views

: The “military estate” of the Russian Empire: officers of non-noble origin in Siberia at the turn of the 18th – 19th centuries

Dmitriev A.


The paper is devoted to studying the phenomenon of the hereditary military dynasties in the officer corps of the Russian army units in Siberia during the 18th century and up to the turn of the 18th – 19th centuries. This phenomenon correlates with the point of view, existing in modern historiography, regarding the allocation of the “military estate” in the social structure of the Russian empire. It is concluded that in Siberia, where there was almost no hereditary nobility, representatives of such officer dynasties could count on increasing their social status and achieving a privileged position. However, it is precisely for this reason that they should not be combined with ordinary military personnel within the general category of “military estate”.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):35-46
pages 35-46 views

Service and life of the Cossacks of the Iset province during the transition from peasant to Cossack life (1737 - 1740s).

Konyuchenko A.


During the Orenburg expedition, on the initiative of the authorities, Russian fortresses appeared along the route of wagons with provisions to the construction site of Orenburg. To optimize the territorial and administrative management, the Iset Province is being created, occupying the eastern part of the South Ural region. The first settlers of the fortresses are the peasants, whom the state, experiencing a deficit of human potential in expanding the borders of the Russian Empire, has identified among the irregular, Cossack formations. The period from 1737 (the year of the formation of the Iset province) to the end of the 1740s accounted for the process of formation of the Cossack class of the subregion, for which the name of the Iset Cossacks is assigned. These irregular formations were part of the OKV (Orenburg Cossack Army). As a subsystem, the Iset Cossack Army ceased to exist in 1803.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):47-57
pages 47-57 views

The French in Moscow and the Russians in Paris: mutual perception and cultural memory

Melnikova L.


The article provides a comparative analysis of the Russian and French perceptions of each other during the Patriotic War of 1812 and the military campaign in France of 1814, and also traces how and to what extent these large-scale contacts influenced the transformation of previous stereotypical ideas among representatives of the warring parties about the enemy country. It is shown that the War of 1812, for a number of reasons, did not make any significant adjustments to the pre-war ideas of the French about Russia as a country of “northern barbarians”; at the same time, the presence of the Russian army in Paris allowed the population of France, if not completely discarding, then significantly correcting a number of propaganda clichés regarding the Russian military. The acquaintance of Russian officers with French reality led to a serious revision of their pre-war image of France as a state close to the ideal, and a certain reassessment of values. It is emphasized that the comparison of traditions, behavior, culture, religion, spiritual development of the French and Russians has already allowed many contemporaries to perceive the war of 1812–1814 not only as a military-political clash of states, but also as a civilizational conflict. All this was reflected in the historical and cultural memory of the Russian and French people about the events of that time.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):58-77
pages 58-77 views

Count E.F. Kankrin and Nicholas I during the Russian-Polish War of 1830–1831

Komzolova A.


The article discusses the role of the minister of finance E.F. Kankrin (1823–1844) as the closest advisor to Emperor Nicholas I during the Russian-Polish War of 1830–1831 as well as his position on the Polish question and his program for the integration of the Western Provinces. In 1830–1831 the central theme of the minister’s regular reports to Nicholas I were issues related to resolving the difficult financial situation of the Russian Empire and finding new sources for additional spending on the Russian army.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):78-89
pages 78-89 views

Mobilization of 1876–1877. The first experience of Imperial Russia

Airapetov O.


After the defeat of the Serbian army on October 29, 1876, near Junis, Emperor Alexander II, after much hesitation, decided to begin mobilizing the Russian army in order to force the Ottoman Empire to conclude an armistice with Serbia. Mobilization caught the army in a period of unfinished transformations. In 1874, universal conscription was introduced, in the same year the Empire's armory factories began producing Berdana rifles, their rearmament in 1877 was not completed. During the first mobilization of the mass army, all this affected the condition and combat capability of the troops. A particularly important and difficult problem was the condition of the railways, besides, the Russian command did not yet have the experience of transferring, concentrating, or supplying such a significant mass of troops by rail. All this had an impact on the war plans and the conduct of military operations beyond the Danube.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):90-101
pages 90-101 views

From the Middle Kingdom to the Russian Front: Mobilization of Russian Citizens in China during the First World War

Nazemtseva E.


The article is devoted to the problems of mobilization of Russian citizens who were in China in 1914–1916. The article is based on the materials of Russian and Chinese archives that were not previously introduced into scientific circulation. As the war dragged on and the situation at the front became more complicated, the call of Russians from China increased. Mobilization activities were accompanied by inconsistency between the actions of the War Ministry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, disrupted the activities of Russian institutions and businesses in China and ultimately led to the weakening of Russian positions in the Far Eastern region.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):102-114
pages 102-114 views

Women’s History of Russian Military Censorship during the First World War

Alferova I.


The article is devoted to the work of women during the First World War in military censorship institutions, a topic that is only beginning to attract the attention of Russian researchers. On the basis of documents, mainly concentrated in the Russian State Military History Archive (RGVIA) and the Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA), the article interprets the process of women's involvement in the military censors' duties, i.e. in a profession that in pre-war times was considered exclusively male. The article reveals the reasons that led the Russian military command to allow the involvement of the female population first to work in rear military censorship stations and then in similar institutions in military districts in the theater of war, reveals the motivation of women to join the military censorship, as well as the conditions of their work.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):115-126
pages 115-126 views

The history of the everyday life of Russian sailors in 1914-1917: methodology of research

Bazhanov D.


This article is devoted to the study of the daily service of sailors of the Russian Navy during the First World War. The history of the development of the trend in Russian historical science is presented, and prominent representatives are noted. A methodology for studying the everyday life of military sailors is proposed, e.g. the boundaries of the concept and its structure are determined. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the mechanisms of everyday life of any official activity, identifying the disunity between the officers and lower ranks both during the performance of official duties and during periods of free time. At the same time, directions for further work were assessed, such as expanding the source base, conducting comparative studies using materials from all fleets and flotillas, as well as foreign fleets, both allied to Russia and hostile to it.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):127-138
pages 127-138 views

Kandalaksha direction in Soviet military planning in 1940–1941

Mironichev E.


The article, based on archives’ materials, memoirs and scientific literature, shows the role of the Kandalaksha in the soviet military planning in 1940–1941, which has not been deeply considered in the historiography. The problematic nature of military planning on the Kandalaksha direction in 1940–1941 is revealed. An attempt is made to comprehensively characterize the Kandalaksha direction as one of the most important areas of military operations in the North in 1941. The problem of reflecting the role of Kandalaksha during the Great Patriotic War in domestic historiography, which focuses on the events of the Murmansk direction, is raised.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):139-150
pages 139-150 views

The Red Army and the disruption of the plans of the German command in the Oboyan direction in the summer of 1943

Zamulin V.


In the history of the 1943 summer campaign on the Soviet-German front, the initial plans of the Wehrmacht and the Kursk defensive operation of the Red Army, as well as the fighting in the Voronezh Front, have been most studied. However, the final version of Operation Citadel is practically not covered in historiography. The idea of this Wehrmacht operation is usually presented only as counterattacks by two groups concentrated at the base of the Kursk salient, with the aim of encircling the Central and Voronezh fronts. But the 2nd Field Army, commanded by Infantry General V. V., was also to take part in the offensive. Weiss, who occupied the defense in the western part of the Kursk Bulge. Its strike from the west in the direction of Kursk, the junction of the Central and Voronezh fronts, could significantly complicate the situation of the Red Army. The documents found in the German Federal Archive confirm that the German command was counting on such a development of events. By the beginning of the general offensive on Kursk, the divisions allocated to break through the defense were brought to the maximum degree of readiness. A comparative analysis of these materials and Soviet documents makes it possible to understand how, thanks to the unparalleled fortitude and courage of the soldiers of the Voronezh Front, it was possible to paralyze the enemy forces in the Oboyansk direction.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):151-171
pages 151-171 views

Mobilization of industry during the Great Patriotic War. The mechanism of economic victory

Mukhin M.


The article examines the main methods of industrial mobilization used by the Soviet leadership during the Great Patriotic War. Based on an analysis of the state of affairs in the metallurgical, chemical and oil-extracting industries, the author comes to the conclusion that the mobilization of industry was by no means limited to the repurposing of plants and factories from the production of civilian products to the fulfillment of defense orders. The most important aspects of the mobilization of industry during the war years were the expansion of existing civilian industries due to evacuated equipment and the construction (including using simplified technologies) of new enterprises; expanding the range of products manufactured by civilian enterprises (including through the development of higher quality products); widespread use of various surrogates and development of new sources of raw materials.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):172-191
pages 172-191 views

Rec. ad op.: J.M. Hartley. The Volga: A History of Russia’s Greatest River

Apanasenok A.


The paper presents an analysis of British researcher Janet Hartley’s work devoted to the history of the Volga region from ancient times to the beginning of the XXI cent. It is shown that this work is an interesting example of combining historical, ethnographic and economic-geographical approaches to understanding the Russian past and its release can be considered a notable event in modern Western Russian studies. At the same time, the review noted the weaknesses of the book by J. Hartley: there are a significant number of factual inaccuracies, as well as one-sidedness in the assessments of a number of historical phenomena.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):192-197
pages 192-197 views

Rec. ad op.: S.V. Strelnikov, A.P. Pavlov. Mezhevye knigi Troitse-Sergieva monastyrya seredny XVI v. // Rossiyskaya genealogiya. Vol. 15. Moscow, 2024. P. 7–421.

Cherkasova M.


The article provides an overview of the recently published land survey books of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery of the 1550s, notes the historiographical and source study contexts of the publication, its strengths and prospects for further study of this type of documents
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):197-201
pages 197-201 views

The Demidovs in documents from Russian archives

Yurkin I.


The documentary exhibitions dedicated to the life and work of the Demidov business dynasty, held in the past five years, are characterized. The main attention is paid to the exhibition held in 2020 at the Russian State Historical Archive. It was noted that among the presented exhibits there were documents introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The structure and content of the catalog of this exhibition, published by the International Demidov Foundation, is described. Attention is drawn to the presence of the texts of most documents in the publication.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):201-205
pages 201-205 views

Russia at International Forums and Congresses of the XVII ‒ early XX century

Baibakova L.


In the review of the collective monograph “Russia at international forums and congresses of the XVII ‒ early twentieth century”, published at the Institute of Russian History in 2021, the main task was to study the contribution of scientists in the development of concept of the Russian foreign policy history during the 4th centuries. The work, compositionally constructed according to the problem-chronological principle, identifies the key problems of Russia's foreign policy at each stage of its development. The indisputable merit of the authors is the disclosure on concrete historical material of the conference diplomacy, presented in the form of tools for the implementation of strategic tasks facing the Russian state in each historical period. The researchers described in detail the system of international congresses and conferences in which Russia participated, analyzed the most significant achieved results. The strong point of the work is the use by the authors of a wide range of domestic and foreign literature, as well as documents from Russian archives, introduced for the first time into scientific circulation.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):205-209
pages 205-209 views

Rec. ad op.: S.S. Yudin. Soldat imperii. General M.I. Dragomirov. Reformator. Uchitel’. Voenachal’nik. Moscow, 2021

Ipatov A.


A review of S.S. Yudin's monograph on General M.I. Dragomirov is presented. It is emphasized that this is the first scientific monograph devoted to the extraordinary and controversial personality of a major commander, military theorist and teacher. Despite some controversial statements and some rough edges, the author managed to expand the existing understanding of the military history of Russia in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries and dispel a number of mythologies that formed around the figure of Dragomirov.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):209-213
pages 209-213 views

Without God, Tsar and Fatherland: From the history of the Baltic Fleet in 1917.

Puchenkov A.


The article is devoted to a review of the monograph by the St. Petersburg historian D. A. Bazhanov, the focus of which is an analysis of the situation in the Baltic Fleet in 1917. Based on unpublished archival materials, D. A. Bazhanov examines in detail the everyday life of sailors, their political sentiments, religiosity, the combat effectiveness of the fleet and its importance as a factor in big politics in 1917.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):213-218
pages 213-218 views

A New View of the Soviet Strategy on the eve of the Great Patriotic War

Vershinin A.


The review considers the latest monograph by A.A. Krivopalov, dedicated to mobilisation planning and military organisation in the USSR in 1926-1941. The monograph is an attempt to study the preparation of the USSR for the Great Patriotic War through the prism of grand strategy implemented by I.V. Stalin and his inner circle. The author of the review notes a fruitful attempt to trace the connection between the experience of the participation of the Russian Empire in the First World War and the actions of the Soviet leadership in the field of foreign policy and defense organisation. An important problem analysed in the monograph is highlighted - the mismatch of political and strategic goal-setting at the highest level of decision-making, which became the cause of the mistakes made in preparing the country for the Great Patriotic War. The conclusion is made about the significant contribution of the monograph to the historiography of the Great Patriotic War.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):218-225
pages 218-225 views

The polyphony of the «living voices» of the war: features of the source and the possibilities of historians

Popov A., Ruzaev S.


The review of the publication of the documents "Confession of the Undefeated" states the significance of publishing the transcripts of conversations (interviews) with participants in the Defense of Sevastopol 1941-1942, the need of continuation of a comprehensive study of this part of the history of the Great Patriotic War. The authors of the review point to the peculiarities of this type of sources of personal origin, associated both with the primary procedures for obtaining them and with the specifics of their heuristic use at the present stage. In general, the importance of further publication of materials of the Commission on the History of the Great Patriotic War of the USSR Academy of Sciences, consistently carried out by employees of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is stated.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):225-230
pages 225-230 views

Sports’ battles of the Cold War

Vatlin A.


a review of a collective monograph devoted to the integration of Soviet high-performance sports into the international sports community, as well as the place of "big sport" in the public life of the post-war USSR
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):230-235
pages 230-235 views

Soviet «elite sport» in the context of the Cold War

Nagornaia O.


The article analyses current historiographical trends in the study of Soviet sport during the Cold War, lacunas and prospects for further research development
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):235-238
pages 235-238 views

A.N. Tsamutali (1931–2024)

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Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):239-242
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G.Z. Ioffe (1928–2024)

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Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):243-246
pages 243-246 views

A.B. Mazurov (1970–2024)

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Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):247-250
pages 247-250 views

Contributors to this issue

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Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2024;(2):251-252
pages 251-252 views