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No 1 (2023)

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Serfdom and migration policy in Russia in the late 16th - early 17th centuries

Yerusalimsky K.Y.


The decrees of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries restricting the migrations for the dependent people and peasants of the Russian state are closely connected with cross-border migration regimes that emerged after the wars for Livonia of the second half of the sixteenth century and as unifying tendencies between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth developed, and later as a result of the policy of the Militia and the government of Mikhail Romanov aimed at restoring “ranks” and limiting uncontrolled migration mobility. The article examines key legislative measures to maintain the “covenant” regime for the “departing” and “forced export” of people during the “years of limitations” in connection with international migration regulation under treaties between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1582-1619.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):3-25
pages 3-25 views

Council code and the socio-political evolution of Russia in the second half of the 17th century

Arakcheev V.A.


The article is devoted to the study of the place of the Sobornoje Ulogenie Code in the evolution of social institutions in Russia by studying the legislative activity of the government and administrative practices. The purpose of the study is to find out where the gap lay to a greater extent, and where the continuity can be traced in the system of state building and law - between the law of the 1620s-1640s. and the Code, or between the Code and the law of the second half of the XVII century. It is concluded that the continuity can be traced to a greater extent between the law of the 1620s-1640s. and the Council Code, which inherited from the previous legislation a set of legal norms that were revised and generalized in the new code of laws. The legal norms of the Code and new decree articles, including the concept of a crime against the state, a ban on the reception of fugitives, and the reconstruction of settlements, adopted in the second half of the 17th century, were formed by reworking the previous legislation. The evolution of the system of state building and the legal registration of the social class structure of society in the second half of the 17th century was of a discrete nature. Many essential segments of law in the Code are declarative and lack legal and technical tools: the proclaimed indefinite investigation of fugitive peasants could not be effectively implemented without an established system of state investigation, which arose only in the 1660s. The vast majority of articles of the Code were significantly changed in the legislation of the second half of the 17th century; these changes affected the norms describing the estate-class structure of society, including the forms of exercising the rights of the ruling elite to serfs, the rights and status of townspeople and other categories of taxable people.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):26-46
pages 26-46 views

Fish resources of the peasant economy of the North-West of Russia according to the materials of the General land surveying

Stepanova L.G.


The article evaluates the fish resources of the North-West of Russia at the end of the XVIII century. For centuries, fish has significantly supplemented the diet of the population of the North-West of Russia. However, until now, historiography does not have complete data on the fish resources of this territory in previous eras. The study was carried out on the basis of Economic notes to the materials of the General Survey of the end of the XVIII century. It analyzes information about the quantitative and species composition of fish in the territory of St. Petersburg and Novgorod provinces. Databases for individual counties were compiled to assess fish resources. For the first time, a complete processing of the information of the Economic Notes for a particular area was carried out, allowing to take into account all available records on the species and number of fish.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):47-58
pages 47-58 views

The search for a solution to the peasant question in Russia in noble projects of the late 18th - mid 19th century

Dolgikh A.N.


The article is an analysis of quite mass sources - noble projects of solving the peasant question in Russia during the reign of Paul I, Alexander I and Nicholas I. It examines trends in the development of ideas related to the existence of serfdom in the country and the search for a way out of the status quo, undertaken by representatives of various factions of the ruling class of the empire. The conclusions of the article significantly complement the picture of the noble public opinion of this era.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):59-70
pages 59-70 views

Smolensk nobility against the government: from the history of the abolition of serfdom in Russia

Gorskaya N.I.


The article analyzes the participation of the Smolensk nobility in the discussion of the peasant question in Russia in 1847-1859. The author focuses on the perception of government initiatives by the Smolensk nobility, its reaction to plans to abolish serfdom before the rescripts and during their discussion. The article shows that the local «program» of the abolition of serfdom in general was formed during the work of country meetings, before the opening of the provincial committee; that the government, involving the provincial nobility in the preparation of the reform, saw in him only an unquestioning executor of the orders of the center, that it was the clash of state and local interests that led to consolidation of Smolensk landowners, who defended the possibility of preserving farms even after the abolition of serfdom.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):71-83
pages 71-83 views

Muslim crimean tatar parish "hereditary" clergy in the late 18th - early 20th centuries

Zagidullin I.K.


Key aspects of the legal position of Muslim Crimean Tatar parish "hereditary" clergy in the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the XX centuries are covered in the article: benefits and privileges on the taxation, questions of expansion of structure of parish clergy and the reasons of the happened changes.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):84-98
pages 84-98 views

Electoral preferences in the elections to the all-Russian Constituent assembly in Belorussia in 1917.

Bukhovets O.G.


The article encompasses the results of the author's elaboration of the 1917 elections to the Constituent Assembly statistical data recorded within the borders of the Belarusian civil districts and the Western Front. The regional particulars of electoral preferences are analyzed. Both the all-Russian leading parties (Bolsheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries) and "failed parties" (Kadets, Mensheviks and People's Socialists) significance in electoral process is identified. Attention is drawn to the particular role for electoral process demonstrated by parties and organizations founded on national or confessional bases - Belarusian, Jewish, Polish, Latvian, Orthodox Coreligionists, Old Believers. The reasons for the failure of the Russian and Belarusian electoral list of candidates are elucidated. The voting paradoxical results in relation to ethnic and confessional minorities of the Belarusian region are disclosed. The concepts of "exogenous", i.e. ethnic and confessional communities not rooted in the region, and "endogenous" (rooted) communities are introduced. The author emphasizes the perspective of application of elections to the Constituent Assembly statistical data as of the tools for the insight of the "great upheavals” era ethnic and national processes.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):99-103
pages 99-103 views

City elections in the White South of Russia (autumn-winter 1919)

Chemakin A.A.


The article is devoted to municipal elections in the white South of Russia in the autumn of 1919. The author examines the features of the electoral legislation approved by the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces in the South of Russia A.I. Denikin, shows the course of campaigns in various provinces, gives full or partial results of voting in 39 cities.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):104-133
pages 104-133 views

Debts of industrial workers in Russia at the late 19th - early 20th century

Volkov V.V.


The article examines the practice of debt obligations that arose both in the course of labor relations and in the field of other civil liability of industrial workers in Russia. The author, using many examples, revealed the serious scale of workers' debts to manufacturers and breeders, showed its key role in the functioning of the hiring system in enterprises, and revealed the enslaving nature of such debts. The article shows the development of the legal mechanism for the collection of various debts of workers at enterprises and the departmental approaches and contradictions associated with this.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):134-145
pages 134-145 views

Family policy and transformation of family and marriage relations in post-revolutionary Russia, 1917 - 1920s: main results and topical issues of study

Smirnova T.M.


The article focuses on the main trends, discussions and prospects for studying the family policy of the Soviet state and the transformation of family and marriage relations in the post-revolutionary period. The main focus is on the historiography of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The author characterizes the specifics of study of the problem today, its dependence on the political conjuncture, he draws particular attention to controversial and contradictory trends in modern historiography, as well as to the prospects for further study of the topic. The author concentrates on the issues of historiographical continuity and scientific novelty of works.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):146-157
pages 146-157 views

The first selection for cosmonauts: from idea to implementation

Batchenko V.S.


In the article describes the evolution of the idea of human spaceflight in the post-war period, the formation of a selection system for cosmonauts. Attention is drawn to the fact that by the time of the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) in the USSR there was an opportunity to send a person on a suborbital flight, but it was decided to finalize the equipment for an orbital mission. At the same time, on the basis of unpublished documents, the progress of the search for applicants for the first cosmonaut team is shown, the reasons for the pilots' refusals from further tests at different stages of selection are revealed.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):158-169
pages 158-169 views

Propaganda of soviet space achievements in the 1960s and 1970s: forms, methods, restrictions

Komissarov V.V.


The article is devoted to the study of forms and methods of Soviet scientific and technical propaganda in the 1960s and 1970s. The main focus is on ways to promote Soviet space achievements. The article is based on archival documents, as well as on the materials of a number of popular magazines of this period. The following issues were carefully considered: the organization of scientific and technical propaganda in the USSR; methods of censorship control. The general conclusions of the study give an idea of two forms of coverage of scientific and technical achievements in the Soviet press of this period. The organization of scientific and technical censorship, in which the key role belonged not to the Glavlit, but to experts of branch research institutes and the Academy of Sciences, is also analyzed in detail.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):170-177
pages 170-177 views

Agricultural reforms in Russia at the turn of an era (1990-1993)

Malkhozova F.V.


In the second half of the 1980s, Soviet agricultural policy was subjected to revisionism. The problems in the agro-industrial complex had been accumulating for many years and were the result of many factors associated with the socialist system in the USSR. Whereas in the 1930s agriculture was subject to forced collectivisation, the new conditions proposed the revival of independent peasant farms and the adoption of Western experience associated with the development of farming. Private property and the future of collective farms were at the centre of the debate. This article attempts to find the following questions: why were the agrarian reforms necessary; what was their purpose; did the country's leadership have an agenda for reforms; how did the economic, legal and social aspects interact in the reform process; did the reforms succeed in achieving their objectives. The article uses documents from the Congress of People's Deputies, the Supreme Soviet and the Russian Government. Significant static material and data from sociological surveys should be noted. Legislative acts constitute a separate group of sources.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):178-199
pages 178-199 views
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A new study of the transformation of the local court at the early 20th century

Gayda F.A.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):215-216
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Continuation of fundamental research on the Civil war in the North of Russia

Ganin A.V.
Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):222-224
pages 222-224 views
pages 225-228 views

Nikolay Mikhaylovich Rogozhin (1947-2022)

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Rossijskaâ istoriâ. 2023;(1):229-233
pages 229-233 views

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