Study of risk factors of vitamin d deficiency in young children



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Vitamin D deficiency in young children presents a current problem of public health in modern Russia. Statistical data on rickets incidence accounts only moderate and severe cases of rickets that is why the sample surveys in children population detect much more cases of clinical manifestation of vitamin D deficiency or its consequences. The purpose of the study was to find out the prevalence rate of rickets signs and risk factors of vitamin D deficiency in young children aged 1–3. Methodology of research: we used survey methods and content-analysis of out-patient records of a random sample that included 127 children aged 1 to 3 in a children polyclinic of Kursk city. By a specially designed questionnaire clinical symptoms of vitamin D deficiency were detected, risk factors of rickets in anamnesis, use of specific and non-specific antenatal and postnatal prophylaxis of rickets were investigated. Results of the study: minimum two signs of rickets were detected in children by 53 mothers – respondents (42% of the sample), the most frequent complaints were bald spots on the back of the head (71,7%), excessive back of the head sweating (58,5%), emotional instability (30,2%), frequent crying (22,6%), anxiety and poor sleep quality (20,8%). There were identified the following factors that had statistically significant association with development of clinical signs of rickets: short breast feeding, maternal complications during pregnancy, absence of specific prophylaxis of vitamin D deficiency in antenatal and postnatal periods (p<0,05). Season of baby’s birth and maternal age did not have statistically significant association with rickets’ signs. Conclusion. The problem of vitamin D deficiency in young children often remains under-reported, so being untreated it can lead to delayed consequences for health of children and adolescents. A particular attention of pediatricians and parents must be paid to specific antenatal and postnatal prophylaxis, prolonged breast feeding until 12–18 months 

Sobre autores

D. Solodukhina

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of The Higher Education “Kursk State Medical University” of Public Health Ministry of Russia


V. Misnik

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of The Higher Education “Kursk State Medical University” of Public Health Ministry of Russia



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